Hey. Kindness typing.
Turns out that the Graingy account hasn't seen a password change, like, ever. Piss-easy to crack. Who would've guessed that Mckenzie guy thought about trees so much?
I haven't heard from Grain in a couple days. I'm 99% sure they're okay, just that they've been busy. What they'd be busy with, I do not know.
That's besides the point.
Aside from just trying passwords until I got it right while I wait for this truck I'm stowing on to stop moving, I felt like sharing some random gossip. Or whatever it's called.
My English isn't perfect. That's the right word, right?
The "great" reveal:
Grain Guy is literally their name.
"Grain" isn't "grain, a small particulate", it's pronounce Grah-in. Guy is their last name.
Grah-in Guy, if you want to pronounce it right.
Apparently the name Guy means something about wood, which is strange considering how incredibly baren Mars is. Maybe it has something to do with their colour. Actually, I don't know how sentient rocks get their names. I don't even know how old Grain is. The most I know is that they chipped off and became their own "person" less than a century ago and that their material originated on Earth and was thrown off in an impact. Younger Canadian Shield, I believe.
So yeah, there's your Grain Guy "lore drop" until they get back.
I don't know if they'll leave this up or take it down when they do come back. They're so desperate for points that I doubt they'll take it down if it gets absolutely any interaction whatsoever.
Bye I guess.
Kindness the "sharp-toothed salt-eating alien person" here.
37.6k Graingy
10 months ago
@HuskyDynamics01 My alien comrade violated account security and made a bunch of comments.
It is over now.
For the love of all.
Grain here. Kindness, get off the account.
Yes, I've been busy. I'm back.
@Graingy shrnoin
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG bye bye Monarchii don't get [REDACTED] by the taxi driver
@Graingy ghrnain
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Your keys.
@Graingy grhi an
My name butchered?
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG What is this?
@Graingy greho-in
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG ??
@ColonelRelford no
@Graingy gareuh
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG ?
@ColonelRelford Ummm...
@Strucker It's Guy. Capitalized.
Grain guy
@TriStar explains everything lmao
@Noname918181 such personality of mine developed after I came to the Philippines
@Noname918181 Why...
@TriStar xp why are you like this
@TriStar You're right I have not
Ha! Nice.
@Mousewithamachinegun122 The Graingy account has an IP lock, as Kindness suggested. I do not know how she managed to get in.