We should thank MAPA for the content they provided this community. We must exercise our human ability to appreciate and care. This game is old and many beautiful memories have been made. Thank you for the effort you have put in to make others happy with your aircraft, and goodbye to you. May your next impact on a videogame's community be positive and mighty.
@Lwillswith2sentryguns it means tag. When someone puts T in the comments they are asking for them to tag them. Also if you do not know how to tag someone you put an @ before their name. Like so: @GuardianAerospace
@Aeroplane351 huh?
@SkyCruise I will delete what I said
@SkyCruise 😐
Mapa, it's great to have you back, I never wanted you to leave... WELCOME BACK!!!
You do amazing work in this community, stuff is not the same if people like you leave! I’m glad you are staying :)
@MAPA thanks
@oldmate52 That was generated by artificial intelligence
How do you make a picture like that one you had when you were leaving?
Thank you for your service. you have given us a great many gifts, and we are grateful
@SimpleStudent im extemely agree with this statement
We should thank MAPA for the content they provided this community. We must exercise our human ability to appreciate and care. This game is old and many beautiful memories have been made. Thank you for the effort you have put in to make others happy with your aircraft, and goodbye to you. May your next impact on a videogame's community be positive and mighty.
What happened?
Oh no ,, I did not see this post earlier, hope you are not leaving
@Lwillswith2sentryguns yes
@imprezamk wait has he actually?
@Inuyasha8215 why...
yay you returned
@Lwillswith2sentryguns it means tag. When someone puts T in the comments they are asking for them to tag them. Also if you do not know how to tag someone you put an @ before their name. Like so: @GuardianAerospace
@Inuyasha8215 @CaptainNoble what does T mean??
"Yo buddy, still alive?
And thanks friend... See you again."
Damn, we didn't notice were slowly losing great builders, time really did pass, eh?
Goodbye MAPA, you will be missed.
@TalonTheCRTguy "assholeness" runs in his family
We love you.