weird coming from me ik, but i'm curious, cause like, now that i think of it, ive never really thought about giving my ships any reverse option, oddly enough.
in another words, i'm stumped, cause i thought that reverse airbrakes should work, but it.. doesnt?? halp
ive never actually made any good-performing ships(or good-looking, for that matter) now that ive also thought about it lmao
I like to control the ship throttle with VTOL, up-forward, down-backwards. I think it's a nice way
@Mousewithamachinegun122 no problem
[](video url)
Thats a good idea, I am going to do that on my next post. How do you do one of those?
@Mousewithamachinegun122 hey, it's something atleast, i added one of them for context reasons, while the other one i added simply for fun.
Yes, I saw them now. Not what I was expecting, but at least not a rick.
@Mousewithamachinegun122 also, no, it's not a regular link, it's an image link, to be even more specific, the unlisted sd40-2 post, the livery post to be exact.
@Mousewithamachinegun122 sorry for being less specific, it's more specific now, shouldn't really spoil anything though.
I’m not so sure about that.
@Mousewithamachinegun122 it's not a rickroll, just click the images on two of the post's images, if you get the reference, congrats, if not, that's fine, also, to be more specific, one of them is a movie clip, while the other one is a railroad'ish related music video.
Hmmm. I am already suspicious. I am not going to click any of your links now.
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG i don't know why i added video links, but hey, extra content is extra content i guess, also, one of the links lead to a video, while the other one lead to a music video, that's all im going to tell you :3
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 hm, aight
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG you download a train map, duh, also, destroyerp's railway mod is broken thanks to an update, so... eh, guess we'll just have to cope with it; also, 2 of those unlisted livery post had clickable images if you're curious enough, they all lead to a video, not including the conrail post (the hub post basically)
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 ah I see.. well, I'm curious though, like, I've never actually tried any SP Trains, how do you actually play with them, I remember roughly there's a map that's android capable I think..? idk... hm
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG uhhhh idk, maybe reverse engineer/take apart this or this if you wanted to, and hey, you could build upon/improve upon my train builds, really curious as to what you could do with it, also, the sd40-2 had some liveries for... extra content i guess? if you're also intrested in goofy ahh liveries anyways, also sprinkled in a few easter eggs/references, if you could call it that.
@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 lel, share us some wisdom of trains then XD
I don't build ships so... sorry i guess lmao
@Speedhunter i'll try that out then, lol.. drag huh, let's try that out then, hopefully i don't "i am die, thank you forevah" XD
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG I mean it works for reverse but I still use gyro for steering
@Speedhunter hmh
@Mousewithamachinegun122 that i know of, but i usually just add smooth(Throttle,rate) lmao, unless i need a fast acting engine
Put a secondary thruster, but this one is facing backward and the speed is much slower than the main forward thruster
I set it to half the power of the forward engine which should kinda account for hull drag, and the input for it is brake