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No everything is not real

699 Stinkysock  5 months ago

Yes i feel like im in a dream and in a video game and things are like video game and like a dream

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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    I don't know any build battle and I don't remember joining or asking for anything

    5 months ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    @Stinkyhouse I didn't ask for any gundam link.

    5 months ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    Wonder what kind of crack you've been taking

    +1 5 months ago
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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @Stinkyhouse ah so you feel that when your dream ends you wake up in 2020?

    +1 5 months ago
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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @Stinkyhouse I get that feeling too.... Does it also feel like you might wake up in a significant past (in my case I feel like I might wake up in the year 2012 anytime)

    5 months ago
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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @DatTrainAndCarGuy19 lol, I know, its just a rherorical question

    +1 5 months ago
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    27.3k 126

    @Speedhunter the first part, duh.

    +2 5 months ago
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    35.6k Speedhunter

    @DatTrainAndCarGuy19 I wonder if the first part or the second part is the april fools joke

    5 months ago
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    27.3k 126

    Shoot yourself then to find out
    jk, please don't, please, I BEG YOU, PLEASE DON'T ACTUALLY DO IT

    +2 5 months ago
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    then play the game, strive to succeed, be kind to yourself and others

    5 months ago
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    We're living in a simulation that's why

    +1 5 months ago
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    Snap out of it

    +1 5 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy


    +1 5 months ago
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    53.4k TheMouse

    You do not exist.

    5 months ago