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[RvG] Red V Green Info Sheet

74.5k TheUltimatePlaneLover  10 months ago

Red V Green

It's back bois!

This informational will be updated as the "war" progresses. Hopefully. Enjoy!

General Info

Well it's a war where two sides named Red and Green fight, Blue and Purple just exist I guess. Need I say more?
more coming soon




Teams and their weapons

Red Team

P-28 Chopper, a decent fighter, but dreadfully loud.

P-44 Chonker, don't let its stoutness fool you, it never hesitates to cleave a foe down.

BP-37 Diveblaster, it was actually a decent plane aside from its propeller hitting the ground on landing, but at least 85% of their pilots were genuinely insane.

P-32 Razor, a surprisingly tough multipurpose aircraft that could defeat even newer jets.

A-48B Torpedo, ironically, the A-48A actually couldn't carry torpedoes, but the A-48B fixed that.

B-31B Crusher, an absolute beast to fight against, and even more terrifying if you're on the ground and it isn't.

F-1D Excalibur, the world's first supersonic fighter, in spite of its propeller engine.

F-2A Inferno, initially made to counter Blue jets, but ultimately proved better at intercepting late Green bombers.

B-984 Fearsome, in spite of being a relatively decent bomber, its main purpose was psychological warfare, and with a 395'5" wingspan, it likely succeeded.

Green Team

P-2A Stormer, one of the world's first combat-operational fighters, and loved by pilots and enthusiasts alike regardless of its flaws.

B-4A Asteroid, the laws of physics are garbage, so Green made a B-29-sized bomber that can maneuver like the Stormers that were supposed to protect it.

P-6B Rodent, unless they have a wall of flak guns, pest control ain't gonna help with this one, and even then, this plane is intentionally small and ridiculously hard to hit from the ground.

Multi-Role Seabird, it could attack, bomb, rescue, cargo, spy, almost anything.

AP-24C DeGAA, the scariest thing about it is that most of its victims never saw it coming- literally, the AP-24C was capable of sniping even mobile targets from over 5 miles away.

P-14D Counterfighter, someone took a coaxial rotor and put it on the front of a plane, it actually worked.

NDB-2 Anvil, one of the earliest naval-based aircraft ever built, unfortunately that meant issues and kinks, but thankfully those flaws came with big wins.

BR-9A2 Broadwing, dubbed a medium bomber, while its size agrees, but its payload doesn't.

P-2D Slasher, a refined and upgraded version of the P-2A Stormer that surpassed the expectations and record of all three predecessors, the P-2A, B, and C.

P-12B Whiplash, built to counter the F-1D, and succeeded, starting an infamous rivalry between the Whiplash and Excalibur. That and there were no other supersonic aircraft at the time, aside from those two of course.

P-62 Centerfire, from experiment to executor, the Centerfire ALMOST replaced the Whiplash, but someone at the head of the Green Air Force said "more is better," so P-62s and P-12Bs often fought side by side.

B-23A, an actual medium bomber as opposed to the Broadwing.

A-23B, violence isn't an option, nor is it the answer, but it's not a question either, it's a path, and the A-23B has taken it.

F-55A Stormfighter, despite having a design similar to the Gloster Meteor, the Stormfighter's designer and real name are both German (The F-55A is commonly called the "Stormfighter," but in reality it is officially called the "Sturmjaeger," but people just called it Stormfighter because... who knows lol).

Blue Team

PF-8A1 Ambusher, the first jet fighter ever (in the Red V Green universe), it shocked the world on many levels needless to say.

AP-20A1 Surpriser, this aircraft hid its guns in its fuselage, leading enemies to think it was unarmed until the two barrels swung out of the nose.

MP-41 Blizzard, unarguably one of the most legendary aircraft in the war, the amount of feats it pulled off is too high for this short description.

F-5X Enforcer, a short fuselage and LOOOOOOONG wings, but incredible performance nonetheless.

PF-7J2 Squall, its speed and agility are absolutely monstrous, but its armor is so weak that you should shoot it down with a LEGO gun- the issue is actually trying to HIT it. Add another thought; the PF-7J2 is the first RvG aircraft to don the official logo of their team, that would be the blue star.

Fun Facts

-The Red V Green canonically takes place sometime before the infamous yet short-lived Monarchii War.
-Albeit we can't confirm how long precisely.

-In the universe of Red V Green, technology is so advanced that they can make supersonic propeller craft.

-Blue Team is essentially the precise opposite of the Soviet Union (during WWII)
-Blue is credited with most of the RvG war's technological breakthroughs like jet turbines/engines, afterburners, stabilators, and guides missiles (albeit only for air-to-surface, Red Team was responsible for the first effective guided air-to-air missile). Meanwhile, the Soviets had a tendency to copy others, especially in terms of aerospace.
-During WWII, the Soviets had superior tank and infantry power although their planes were mediocre with pilots often having lesser training. Meanwhile, Blue basically has air superiority with both the best planes and pilots, meanwhile their ground game is virtually non-existent (hence their alliance with Purple Team, which is basically just Blue Team but for tanks instead of planes)
-Quite obviously, red was one of the main colors of the Soviet Union, while Blue's main color is... well, blue. Blue and red are often seen as opposites in media and culture, so you can see what I'm implying here, right?

-These people really liked the J2M; both the P-44 and PF-7J2 are based off the Raiden, with the most modern squall variant literally having a callback to it (PF-7J2)

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    @Graingy ok, then after

    10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    People definitely cared about aviation in WWII.

    +1 10 months ago
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    @Graingy understood lol
    Red V Green is basically WWII in an alt universe where people actually care about aviation
    Which means a lot of planes

    10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    Allow me to clarify.
    They load, but VERY slowly. Some didn't after minutes.
    Maybe partially my WiFi, by definitely partly because of how goddamn many there are.

    +1 10 months ago
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    @Graingy Oof

    If the pictures don't load I have two suggestions, either reload the page at least twice or just go to the actual planes
    Maybe imgbb doesn't work for you? idk smh, the images work for me

    10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    Too many planes in one place, and the pictures don't load.
    Cannot keep track.

    10 months ago
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    @Graingy Sounds like something baby B-984 would say

    I would say BP-37 but I think it'd be a little closer to "DOWNWARD!!!!!!! LET'S GO!!! YOLOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    Loud Explosions

    +1 10 months ago
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    B-4A: I am heavy-weapons guy.
    And this... (insert 58x bomb load here)
    This is my weapon.

    +1 10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    @SlavicUnionist Meet the planes.

    +2 10 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover oh fun

    10 months ago
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    +1 10 months ago
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    Glad War challenges are back after its year-long hiatus, or so i think.

    10 months ago
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    I like the challenge idea. But the normal Red vs Green also looks fun.

    10 months ago
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    @FOXHOUND26 It's a solo thing, sort of like a webseries, just without the video, but once momentum picks up I have intentions to make a competition/challenge of some sort.

    10 months ago
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    can I join? or is this just something your making

    +1 10 months ago