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[CLOSED]Butter Landing Competition

15.1k ManWithAMusket  10 months ago

yeah lol, I'm bored so uhh here's some rule and how to do it


-Must be an airliner (for some reason, idk why)
-At Wright Airport Runway 36/18
-jus that

How To Do It:

-Comment with a video link of you doing the landing or just tag me in the video
-Post it on the Simpleplanes website
-I will make sure that I will upvote the video if I can


1st Place: 3 upvote and 1 spotlightbuild (if I can)
2nd place: 2 upvote 1 spotlight (if I can)
3rd place: 1 upvote 1 spotlight (if I can)


You will be judged by:

-Touchdown zone accuracy
-And the touchdown itself

Extra Points:

-Crosswind Landing
-Night Landing
-Heavy Fog Landing
-or all of the above combined


-You can spawn AI planes, but only for decoration or guide, for example GalacticaAsia's PAPI Lights and Wright Lights

idk if someone will even willing to do the competition lol, but better try than never