im @katzem and im back
i remove my account by myself btw, because it hard to keep myself from this site, i remove the account because simpy i lost interest with the game that time and i start to interest with modifying bikes as my brother and do try some "unwanted" race, but...
2 days before eid al-fitr, i crashed to my neighbor house and destroyed the wall of their bathroom, i've demanded to pay the repair cost and my mother cut my bike exhaust, which cost 425k rupiah (it wasnt a very large amount) but i just need to buy a new exhaust right? no, that actually made me realize to stop this kinda thing, i still have time to fix this bad habit, destroying my grades for temporary happiness, wasting money on something that bother peoples, i cannot even wonder how many time i woke peoples with my bike noise?
yeah, lot of bullshits by me again, but atleast im honest with my sudden account removal.
@Speedhunter my province doesnt have general racetrack, so road is pretty much the only option
@Cannabis no need man, thank you for the initiative though :)
425.000 IDR huh? It would be around 27 dollars (USD) and would be around 22 GBP if i'm not miscount it
Jokes aside, good luck? I guess?
... That's like $350. Could be worse, but still. Yikes.
@Majakalona "Bike" yeah right blud was tossin' bombs.
How much is the repair cost? If it is below 1000 USD I will Help you pay for the repairs.
You've gotta defeat some of those enemies that look like qubert. No sword? Go into the cave with the old man.
Once enough rupees are collected or you sell something expensive (I do not know how many USD a rupiah is so it could be cheap but a wall seems kinda expensive) then you can sell the rupees.
@manUnnamed I understand that feeling now tbh, also, do racetracks have an expensive fee there?
@Speedhunter Yeah, i thought i was cat when i try one but the reality is that I was one of the main problem of the road
Im just glad you made it safe. Racing motorcycles is dangerous, I crashed once too