Yesterday, i was posted a brand new PEA bomber, a Tupolev PAK DA. But there is a little issue of it. Everytime i put on the autopilot, the plane is always leaning to the left. Unlike my other bombers which is literally flies straight like fine.
Download the craft and prove it by yourself
Now here is my question. What makes the plane flies like that? And how can i fix that? Is it... Not quite normal. But it is not a big issue because i'm pretty sure that it is not quite often for players to use autopilot right?
Oh. I thought it was some completely separate system. I sure am dumb now ;).
@TheMouse i re-enable Auto-Pilot 2 times
Wdym “auto pilot 2”?
@LunarEclipseSP yeah it flies really normal, but the only issue is the Auto-Pilot leaning
I think it's a mild Auto-Roll, some aircrafts have this problem
@HanakoSan it is only happened when the auto-pilot is turned on. While not in auto-pilot, it flies like normal
Idk what issue caused this...
i tested it, when i enable Auto-Pilot and it leans to left, but when i enable Auto-Pilot 2nd time it stops leaning