Today, I make an announcement.
I will no longer be making replicas of high/medium effort, unless I have a livery idea or I simply want to. Most of these replicas will shift towards PEA style aircrafts.
The reason? Simple. I don't find the fun in making replicas of high/medium effort anymore. It burns me out easily. Though, this doesn't just end with the Su-33. I have several aircrafts in mind to redo, or make. So once I finished the list, I'll stop making them.
From now, I will only make high/medium effort builds on fictional creations. Hopefully. Let's see how that ends up.
good stuff,i love how you managed to make them more real so far w Su-27,EF2000 and Eagle while being with low parts
also i have a suggestion that you set disableAircraftCollisions to true for all weapons on future PEA aircraft(because AI and player tend to blow up while the weapon is launching)