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[Siren War] TUPL has Landed!

74.8k TheUltimatePlaneLover  10 months ago

I've finally made my entrance to the Siren War.

Starting small though. For now, I've only sent 12 F/A-32A Strikers (four groups of three), 60 Intimidator Fighters, 25 Super Hydra Mk. IV's, and my only 5 A-40Cs as of yet. As stong as these planes are, there's no guarantee of success, even with the Havoc IIs.

The first F/A-32A of the triad, 088 "Man Face" arrives at the MDA (formerly the MGLA) base, Yeager Airport. Both the plane and its pilot served in the Monarchii War, where they were credited with 6 air-to-air kills and 15 air-to-ground kills, as well as two Monarchii ships. One was a confirmed kill, but the other is arguable due to NMR and Siren entities being in the area and dealing heavy hits to the said ship.

The first of four "Striker Triads," consisting of F/A-32As serial numbers 088, 070, and 122.

Close-up of 088 taking off with their squad.

Close-up of 122 taking off with their squad. F/A-32A 122, dubbed "Ship Eater," is flown by the first of two female F/A-32A pilots, Lisa Mitchell, callsign "Marauder 4.

Another picture of 122, notice how Lisa's plane has a blue tint. This is actually intentional, designed to make her aircraft a little harder to see between the sea and sky, making her camouflage ideal for the primarily if not entirely naval environment of the Siren War.

F/A-32A 070 "Silver Scorpion," flown by Dave Samger, callsign "Stinger 6." Fun fact, he is actually the only one of the shown Striker Triad to have not served in the Monarchii War (Lisa and Rob did in fact fight in the Monarchii War, both credited with a number of kills)

F/A-32A 088 "Man Face," flown by Rob R. Bloks, callsign "Rogue 2." He was considered one of the most successful F/A-32A pilots of the Monarchii War along with Lisa Mitchell, both of which have returned to claim more kills in the Siren War.

A-40C 83108, flies a long distance to reach the MDA base. I'm not even joking when I say this guy is blasting Juggernaut at max volume. Can't blame him though, a war against something as fearsome as the threat that is the Sirens deserves if not requires epic battle music

Ditto, but the sun sets as he approaches the MDA base. Fun fact, the A-40C can actually land on solid material (sadly, the A-40B can't, but I guess that doesn't matter since the A-40-series aircraft are entirely buoyant)

TUPL has landed to fight against the Sirens.
Wait, what's this? What do you mean there's a tank approaching our base? From the air?


Babrams Checkpoint!

Babrams just wanted to make sure you're doing well. If you aren't you can talk about it if you want, and if you are, stay strong and have a great day :)