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Operation- Masking Fire (teaser/trailer)

13.1k CrestelAeronautics  10 months ago

Coordinates: [REDACTED], alst known sighting of the anamolous battleship

1- <<Hostile, 195 bullsye, 10,000>>
2- <<Engaging>>
2+ <<Arming [REDACTED]>>

2+ <<FOX-2>>
2- <<Splash 1>>
1- <<Hey, I’m getting some readings here>>
2+ <<S—>>

-Insert Megalith intro-
1- <<Fly to bearing 275, Engagment unadvised>>
-Radio chaos-
1- <<ASM aircraft will arrive soon>>
1+ <<Retreat not authorized, wait for EW and ASM aircraft>>
1+ <<Hold them off for now>>

Coming late!
-Crestel Classification Corp.