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[Monarchii War Flashback] Operation 'Going Eleven'

110k LunarEclipseSP  10 months ago


Operation 'Going Eleven', was the last major Monarchii naval operation in the Monarchii War, this was involving the whole armada of the Monarchii's Invincible Fleet aka the Yamato Strike Group.

Super battleship Yamato under attack by NeMaR flying tank.


On the 09:00 AM in the morning, the Monarchii super battleship Yamato, the most powerful battleship on the fleet, and all of the armada fleets involved, embarked from Wright Island back into their homeland harbor after being asked to leave, for engage in a battle against the NeMar (New Machine Rebellion) force under the operation codename 'Going Eleven'.

Full power armada formation during the operation 'Going Eleven' (click the image to view)

The invincible fleet was attacked by NeMaR naval forces including their unusual flying tanks before it could reach their homeland harbor; Super battleship Yamato and many other warships were sunk. Cargo ship Sarina Tendouji was managed to survive the lethal attack, sank shortly afterwards due to unable to handle the leaking waters flooding her hull located on her starboard side.

Super battleship Yamato catching fire and suffers heavy damage.


the NeMaR force has managed to obliterate the Monarchii's invincible fleet, marking the end of the biggest hope of Monarchii royal naval force. All hopes and power has been perished without trace. The last remaining survivor crews who managed to evacuate themselves, can only witnessed the big bertha slowly sinking into the cold sea. The ship's captain was declared killed in action, and only a catastrophically small number of crew members that could only survived that lethal attack. It is estimated that only 15 percent of the entire large crew managed to survive, while the rest are mostly killed in action in extraordinary numbers.

Some of the last remaining surviving crews can only witnessed their big hope, which is slowly perished in front of their eyes (The background music played during the scene of the sinking of the almighty super battleship Yamato and all of her fleets).


'Going Eleven' was the last major Monarchii naval operation of the war, and the sinking of the super battleship Yamato causing an absurdly massive loss to the Monarchii royal navy. The best and the most powerful fleet so-called "Invincible" Yamato strike group has been annihilated, while at that day was almost entering the post-war time.

The news of the sinking of the Yamato super battleship also heard into Snowstone. Residents of Snowstone, including the National Constabulary, also expressed their condolences after hearing of the sinking of the super warship equipped with many missiles, which had been instrumental in providing coalition support to Snowstone during the Monarchii War.


The Monarchii Royal Navy was planned to "resurrect" this big bertha ship, with the blueprint of the Yamato AEGIS-class that they still had in their inventory. With the help, support, and backup from MGLA and WAEC, The construction of the second ship of the Monarchii Yamato AEGIS-class superbattleship named "Musashi" has been commisioned, named after her World War II counterpart, with cutting-edge technology and weaponry, to succeed the journey of her late older sister.


[THE PERISHED HOPE - Yamato Sinking Theme/The End Of Monarchii's Invincible Fleet]

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    Ask @Speedhunter or @ShinyGemsBro, the former being the head/host of the war, and the latter seeming to know basically the entire war lore.

    (Pin, this might be useful)

    Pinned 10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    A) "For the heck of it" is certainly Soia's unofficial moto, but I have no interest. It is also literally impossible as basically the first thing Geminus/PS-562 did upon gaining omnipotence was make their supremacy the most fundamental law of existence, no exception. Can't take risks that someone else could work out the tech, especially when another Superpower is very hostile.
    2: You're either crazy, or I gotta report something to the higher ups right away. Soia has an entire fleet dedicated to containing and studying the Placorarcoran Empire.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    A) For the heck of it. And just to rebel. And to topple the greatest superpower of all, imaging the GLORY. Praises would be sung in your name throughout the known and yet to exist universe, from now until the end time. Graingy would be a timeless hero, a master so powerful and exhaulted. You would be venerated!
    B) Yes.
    2. I dont work for that empire. I AM that empire. I think. Maybe. Whatever it is. I could be? What the heck even is that empire?

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    A) Why?
    B) No.
    2: Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, you could possibly produce would be a genuine threat to a Superpower. Unless you're telling me that you work for the Placorarcoran Empire (Hoping I'm spelling that right) you don't even have UD forging.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy I could provide celestial and galactic weaponry. At a cost, mind you.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Rebel. I dare you.

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @windshifter1 "proceed with"

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @windshifter1 I'm as sure as a mortal like myself can be.
    Soia is simultaneously the most and least dangerous thing in the Multiverse.
    It's just how it is.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy What do you suggest we proceed with?

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Have I enlightened you?

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    No, they're just assholes.
    We're an asset of theirs.
    Technically, they screw over everyone since by not stopping every bad thing in existence they take responsibility for it happening.
    Every. Bad. Thing.
    But that's omnipotence for you. Nothing left but to cause problems, or cease existing, but clearly they haven't done that.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Also, sounds very much Graingy is being used... Are you even sure you want to be so dangerously close to them?

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Are they stabbing your back? Or stabbing my back by pretending to stab your back? Or are they stabbing your back while stabbing my back by stabbing your back? Or stabbing my back while stabbing your back while stabbing my back while stabbing your back all the while pretending to stab my back?

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    Also we aren't really a corporation.
    Our legal status is... fucky, to use the most fitting word.

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @windshifter1 Yeah, no.
    Stark difference between a dumb prank from an MS and throwing away Graingy entirely.
    The bastards retconned time in Universe-1 to create us, I doubt they'll be finished with our operations anytime soon.
    And sure as hell you didn't have a part in this.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy You should probably start watching your back.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Exactly. Secret backstage deals with the Soians to sow misgivings... the Graingy corporation is in fact very fragile. Oh how much you do not know.

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @windshifter1 You dumbutt the Ultimatum is a Soian warship.
    Graingy is a Soian company!
    It's the same core organization!
    ... Though at the same time I can sorta see the Soians putting a rival's advertisements around the seating just to mess with us.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Also about manufacturing interplanetary and galactic goods, bro what alse do you think WAEC stands for? Its so very obviously Windshifter's Astronomical Engineering Corporation...

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Graingy? Pah, never heard of it. Must be some insignifigant small time company. I challenge you to display your annual profits!

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy We did secret undercover deals with the aliens behind your back to put our screens in the S.S.S Ultimatum. So there.

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @windshifter1 Also
    "massive multi-purpose corporation"
    So is Graingy, although we have departments instead of subsidiaries.

    10 months ago
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    40.2k Graingy

    @windshifter1 Sorry, are we talking about ground-level stands or orbital viewing from the hull of the S.S.S Ultimatum?
    Because yeah the primary ground-level viewing is WAEC.
    Ultimatum stands, however, are pure Graingy/Soia.

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy WAEC (In its multiple forms) is a massive multi-purpose corporation...

    10 months ago
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    17.9k windshifter1

    @Graingy Also Windshifter's Amazing Edibles Corporation (Also called WAEC) makes all your popcorn so give me that adspace or yoink your popcorn becomes mine

    10 months ago
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