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Complex Activation Group Question

1,236 tirpitz0309  8 months ago

How do I give an activation group a recharge time? I want to make a thruster last 3 seconds and to use it again I have to wait 10 seconds.

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    1,236 tirpitz0309

    @Ku Thank you so much! This will help me to create a glide mechanic im planning for certain walker, hope you find a use for it too!

    +1 8 months ago
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    15.6k Ku


    This will make it so that for the first 3 seconds Activate 1 is activated it will output 1 (turns whatever you want on) and it will stop activating for 10 seconds and then repeat the process. Catch is that the activation group needs to be pressed down for it to recharge

    +1 8 months ago
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    14.2k Griffon1

    After fiddling around for a bit, dont use the below function, it doesnt work at all.
    The premise is there, its just i've been away for too long to make it actually work

    +1 8 months ago
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    14.2k Griffon1

    Oh its definitely possible.
    Basically, what you'd need is a smooth operation timed with the desired activator,
    and place an activation group [VARIABLE NAME]=1?1:0
    Ill have to d a bit of testing because I havent opened SP in a while

    +1 8 months ago
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    36.8k Graingy

    Not possible I think?
    At least not without FT?
    Idk I don't know this stuff.
    Perhaps ask one of the FT wizards around here, they might know.

    8 months ago