My entire PEA list. Better sleep while I post the F-11 and Me 262 Bk-5 (made before their release date, unlike most of my PEAs which are made just minutes before their posting)
And guess what? I wasn't gonna do the F-16 since ZeroWithSlashedO made one, but I'm gonna do the F-16 too being that it was my first PEA, albeit anything but perfect.
Me 262 Bk-5 releases next, after that in order:
Avro Lancaster
De Havilland Vampire
North American B-25 Mitchell
A6M Zero
G8N Renzan
XF-90 (no nickname on the internet, but I read somewhere it was nicknamed the Knight)
This list is shorter and longer than you think; shorter because three of the PEAs on this list are already finished, and each PEA takes at most a day to make (at least from my experience), so in reality this will take... 30 days to make. Sheesh, I'm gonna be out for Summer Break before I finish this PEA list. However, this list is also LONGER than it looks, because I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna make several PEAs that aren't on this list :,)
Oh, also, look out for a few of these, namely the A6M, B-29, B-25, and SR-71 (for now, more might get the treatment), they're gonna come with a special surprise >:D
@Graingy ah I see
@TheUltimatePlaneLover A control surface that moves in its entirety. IIRC it was an important development towards supersonic aircraft, as they don't encounter the same issues at those speeds as conventional elevators.
When I've tried making them the craft functions overall worse than with elevators at best, or doesn't work at all at worst.
That's why the FM-195 uses elevators despite being a supersonic fighter: Stabilators were insanely unstable.
@Graingy idk, what are those
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Are those functioning stabilators?
@StockPlanesRemastered oh
I didn't know that
well, they certainly aren't low effort, that's for sure.
@Graingy they were considered low effort. And because back then there was an unlimited daily upload limit, you could pump them out every our, essentially spamming the site.
@Graingy My first PEA here was rejected harshly, but for good reason when compared to what I've been making in recent days
However, sometime after I've eliminated a larger portion of this list, I'm going to remake and release the F-16 PEA II.
@StockPlanesRemastered wait what?
@TheUltimatePlaneLover big sad
@Monarchii I must admit, the YF-23 is actually quite cool
If I'm being honest though, I don't prefer either over the other lol, I wish it was an F-15/16 or P-38/39 case where we got both, but we can't because money. And politcs, but mostly money :<
@StockPlanesRemastered yep lol
The very first PEA I made did quite badly, but now here I am cooking up PEAs daily, so far only one of the new batch has been disapproved, and even then that's only because I was forced to exceed the part limit (It's an AC-130 so it kinda makes sense from that POV)
@TheUltimatePlaneLover YF-23 is actually my favourite of the two lmao
I remember when posting PEAs got you reprimanded.
@Graingy PEA
@ZeroWithSlashedO aight, YF-23's mine then
I don't think I will, no.
@Monarchii aight, let me cook
@ZeroWithSlashedO hmmmm
okay lol
can you do the YF-23 too?
take that F-22 off your list, I'll make em myself.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover yes, waffleflaffle the flooft