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6,098 ConstipatedWhale  10 months ago

ive been working on sculpting the landing gear for my new fighter but come to a loss due to the complexity of it however i wont let that stop me from finishing it, itll just take a little longer because im not satisfied with its overall looks nor its performance. then, ill begin working on the front gear then the weapons deployment system. normally the order in which i do these things is a little different. i typically design my aircraft from the cockpit back but i chose to build from the engines up this time around. which gives me the added benefit of knowing how the body will be shaped as im shaping it around the engines. then i can mold the cockpit to match the design. ive tried several different designs in terms of building aircraft and in order of worst to best, i think it goes fuselage first, cockpit first then engines first. i really enjoy the shape ive gone for, and i think i could have done the intakes better however im not in the mood to change the intakes, however i MAY just do it anyways. ive an idea i want to impliment but it would take some serious time and effort in which im not willing to give due to my impatience. however dont be worried. im still working on it. i just needed some space for creativity.