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SimplePlanes 2 And The SWL-120

50.6k PlaneFlightX  10 months ago

Hello again,

With the exciting announcement of SimplePlanes 2 I just wanted to update everyone on my plans for the SWL-120.

As crafts in SimplePlanes 2 are backwards-compatible with SimplePlanes, I plan to release the SWL-120 for both games. There may be performance improvements or new parts I can add in SimplePlanes 2, but I'll explore that as I get closer to finishing the SWL-120 and SimplePlanes 2 gets closer to release. I do not plan to "abandon" the SimplePlanes 1 edition of the SWL-120 in favor of SP2.

I think what will happen is since SP2 will likely have enhanced building mechanics, that version of the SWL-120 will be the equivalent of uploading an aircraft with fuselage paneling after the fuselage slicing update. After the SWL-120, it is likely that any new crafts I create will be exclusive to SP2. If it's not that difficult to convert a craft to SP1 I may explore that, however at this point I don't know.

And lastly, how is the SWL-120 going? These last months I've been extremely busy with schoolwork (I'm in upper high school now), so my time to spend on SP has been extremely reduced. It's by no means cancelled, just delayed extensively. Since it's been so long, you can view what I have done here. This is the in-development ninth progress update.

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    0 Pixel3

    I think they should improve mechanics only and more features can be added to games later like new islands missions etc building a realistic plane in sp1 was a pain in the as specially designing canopy and engine intakes with seamless engine integration in the fuselage I hope they add more building features but keep balance of not making it overly complicated

    4 months ago
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    247 MRFOXY09

    @PlaneFlightX never mind, I’m making a fire truck now, I got bored with making planes

    9 months ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    @MRFOXY09 What exactly do you mean? Do you mean you make it and I post it?

    9 months ago
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    247 MRFOXY09

    Aye, do u think u can also make a small little ga plane? I can design it, and u can post it

    9 months ago