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some thing I would love too see regarding chad

3,377 Madmaximus  10 months ago

One thing I've alway thought Juno (simple rockets 2) had over Sp was the ability to get out of your craft as a person (I think they were called Droods). so I was thrilled to see that the addition of a playable (I think) character in SP2. but im worried chad will be similar to the droods, were its fun for a few seconds to run around as a drood but it gets boring fast. to prevent this I have a few suggestions, and I understand that some of my ideas may be a little nitch ( because this is a plane game not a chad game).

  1. Guns for chad, a few weapons would be cool in multiplayer.

  2. tools for chad. it could be cool for chad to be able too repair damaged planes. magnet boots or a grappling hook would be nice for mobility.

  3. the ability for chad to be able to pick up items with the VR handles and use them, this could add more weapons and props for chad.

  4. outfits for chad, the jump suit is snazzy I will admit, but some other out fits would be cool to match the vibes of certain builds (an alien space ship shouldn't be being flown buy a 1950's era pilot, or should it???). som of these out fits could be functional such as a scuba suit, body armor, Gforce suit (coming back to this later), and a jet pack or something, the possibilities are endless. a couple parts could also be added to allow chad to wear certain accessory's of your own making.

  5. the ability for chad to be injured and die from, bullets, falling, being hit by a fast object, drowning, and more maybe this could be disabled in build mode.

  6. the ability for Chad to black out in high G maneuvers with some kind a visual tunnel vision we see in a lot of games. maybe Chad G force tolerance could be changed in the build mode.

  7. Hollow fuselages actually being hollow, so chad can walk around in your builds and stuff.

  8. chad can crawl, so he can fit through tight spaces.

  9. chad can use switches in other craft, and pilot other craft that are spawned in

10.chad can respawn separately from the plane, a mode that allows you to respawn without reseting would be cool, the the ability to drag and drop crafts into the world.

  1. chairs would have a set camera location that can be chaged in the building mode, when chad sits in a chair his camera may have an up or down offset. seats would also give a occupied true/ false variable and an occupied by chad true/ false variable ( assuming they add NPCs).

  2. chad should have emotions, like he grits his teeth while shooting ors face sagas in high Gs, he could also hand pump when he destroys targets or laughs when other planes crash.

  3. a remote controller item, Chad would be able to access any player spawned plane with this without actually being in it.

some other things I would love to see!

  1. campaign mode like Juno (simple rockets 2) some thing that could be in it could be delivery of cargo (boxes, vehicles etc) or passengers (NPCs). there could also be search and destroy or rescue missions like storm stormworks. I would guess XML modding would remove acehvements in this game mode. There could also be a money system and tech tree. you could unlock spawn locations and maybe could build an airport or something.

  2. map editor/ maker or just the ability do download maps without modding

  3. better ai, it would be cool if you could command friendly Ai to do things like follow you, brake away, perform certain formations, engage/ disengage a target, and more. it would also be cool to see better enemy AI for dogfights. ground, helicopter, and boat Ai would be cool to see, I would love to have navel and tank battles. the ability to modify your creations to be better suited for ai use would be cool.

  4. the ability to make rotators Smooth without funky trees, for example you could make a tank turret that doesn't snap back to the center once you let go of the controls.

  5. hidden activation 9-20 groups and the ability to preset them to on/ off before starting the game

  6. more hidden sliders (like Juno) and the ability to preset them

  7. the ability so cause something to happen when an activation group is deactivated without XML

  8. the "input controller" should be in every parts natural build menu

  9. part malfunction, full leak, engine failure, bird strike, jammed flaps and landing gear, gun jam, etc . these could be turned off in the game menu.

  10. camera mode, where you could start recording and then replay in a free camera mode to get epic shots of builds and maneuvers.

  11. game hosted public, public, and private multiplayer servers. game hosted servers would be local having mass like London, New York, Mexico named after there respected area irl. these servers would have a report system and certain areas to do certain things like there would be a no combat zone. then there would be public hosted by users where anyone could join the host would have access to game rules such as Time, dogfighting, and ability to change server title and description. private servers would need a code to get in.

  12. multiplayer text chat, this is a must the ups out weigh the downs

  13. better lighting (twilight and night look awful in sp1)

what do you think about my ideas and what ideas do you have!

Ps ill probity have more things come to me so ill put those in the comments!

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    3,377 Madmaximus

    @Majakalona these groups would only be accessible via switches or funky trees

    +1 10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    @MrSilverWolf Oh, I get it. Really.
    Continuous behaviours sometimes just need some advice, is all.

    10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Guy19 I’m sorry to hear that.
    I can’t say I really understand personally, so I can’t give high-quality advice, but maybe just take a step back sometimes and take a moment to consider how it was intended?
    A “Not in the mood” could perhaps work as a reply.
    Idk, just hoping things get better I guess.

    +1 10 months ago
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    9-20 action groups?
    What about keyboard users?
    There's only 10 keys
    only 2 more action groups would be plausible (like Juno), maybe an abort action group like KSP

    10 months ago
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    @Graingy I understand but like keep it off the site please it just fills the comments with what ever beef is going on and 9 times out of 10 someone decides they wanna join in on whatever is happening and soon enough you get a 100 comment dumpster fire

    +2 10 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @Graingy i was saying that issues with my personal life is causing shit to happen to me mentally if you didn't saw my comment, i couldn't think straight at that very moment, im really sorry for taking it out on others, i really do, i didn't have issues with him, it's just that i couldn't tell if he's joking or not.

    10 months ago
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    38.4k Graingy

    @MrSilverWolf I understand that you don’t like it when users “moderate” others (you’ve told me before, I get that), but I’ve seen similar instances with DatFiatGuy19 taking things too seriously before and I think they need feedback to actually improve. Just deleting comments means they won’t actually have their issue pointed out and improve with this stuff.
    I tried to do that politely.

    10 months ago
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    @FOXHOUND26 @DatFiat126Guy19 @Graingy idk what’s the deal here but please if yall have beef with each other please keep it off the site

    10 months ago
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    @DatFiat126Guy19 I appreciate your reply here. It would be interesting.

    10 months ago
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    what has become of Johnny bravo?.....

    10 months ago
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    27.9k blt

    @FOXHOUND26 your honor
    it was a simple misunderstanding

    10 months ago
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    3,377 Madmaximus

    @IceCraftGaming I got a little side tracked

    +2 10 months ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    I love how this went from talking about Chad to fixing up the would be multiplayer system, despite the title

    +1 10 months ago
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    12.6k Eggplant

    Yes Chad needs a special Chadette in his life to fly all those planes with 2 pilot seats

    +1 10 months ago
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    3,377 Madmaximus

    @DatFiat126Guy19 chaddete

    10 months ago
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    3,377 Madmaximus

    @Randomplayer I think they are adding emotes so I would assume it could be added

    10 months ago
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    14.9k Randomplayer

    How about the ability for chad to mew

    +4 10 months ago