I have seen many creators having pictures on their descriptions or having functional links. I have tried to replicate that but it never works, so how do I put things such as that into the description?
French Missile!
I have seen many creators having pictures on their descriptions or having functional links. I have tried to replicate that but it never works, so how do I put things such as that into the description?
French Missile!
Congrats! Your my 123th follower! (im not counting me into the follower score)
@Majakalona this will be forever my new favorite video
@Zhixunlin23 its gone, I think I found a replacement for it though
@Majakalona aw man it really is gone, DANG IT
@Zhixunlin23 dang it the video of Wario saying "Twitter stinks! I'm leaving!" Is gone because the account was terminated
I also added some stuff for adding custom thumbnails
@Majakalona I actually wasn’t expecting an answer this quickly,
@Majakalona thank you for the help man

Won't work in comments though
[Your text here!](The link)
So like this link to YouTube video
For custom screenshots do these things
screenshot what you want the plane's screenshot to be
Go into blueprints
Use that as a blueprint
Move it somewhere where you can't really see the plane
Move the camera there
Go to uploading
Take the screenshot for uploading on the blueprint thing