Connor Mckenzie here.
Yes, the "k" is lower-case.
If you don't remember me, I used to manage the Graingy account before it was handed over to the current manager, Grain Guy, in my absence.
It was initially my personal account, of course, but it seems I was just too generous for my own good in handing it over officially.
I now do not have access to that account thanks to company policy. While perfectly within their rights, the fact they gave it to a grain of sand in rather insulting. The behavior of said sand is, too, insulting.
That is a summary, at least.
Grain Guy is a peculiar fellow. As a grain of Martian sand they "live" and work not on Earth but on the planet Mars as a citizen of the Martian Union. Despite this, however, they're quite active and seem to think rather highly of themselves. They've refused to accommodate my wishes to remain involved in the slightest, thus I have little to no pull with Graingy as a company. The environment I returned to after my stint as a war reporter for the company was demeaning at best, outright hostile at worst. I left the company shortly afterwards. Guy has not in any sense been disappointed by this.
Concurrently to this, Graingy, the company, took interest in a species of Eel found endemic to the ocean surrounding the Garrison Archipelago:
The Garrison Eel.
The Garrison Eel, a species of electric eel, is desirable for its chemical processing properties. Specifically, it could essentially charge itself using discarded batteries, something the sea around the Garrison Archipelago unfortunately has quite a few of.
The batteries became essential to the Eels, as they greatly harmed the ecosystem as a whole, leaving the Garrison Eel population almost entirely dependent.
Unfortunately for Graingy, a fellow, known only by the title "Guywhobuildsstuff", and their comrades had taken to pulling those now-essential batteries from the ocean for purposes unknown. This harmed the Garrison-Eel, and thus Graingy's research.
Graingy took to solving this problem by, in a nutshell, dumping a pile of money on Grain Guy's directive. The enthusiastic and eager-to-please grain of sand immediately took it upon themselves to turn a dime into a dollar for the company. With a few other gifts from up high, including a 1940s coastal steamer and couple heavy guns turrets, the Eel Protectorate was born. They would patrol the seas and apprehend any illegal salvagers through overwhelming strength.
Guywhobuildsstuff, however, was not going to back down. They formed the Men Who Build Stuff (who I shall continue to call by its acronym, the MWBS, because it's a stupid name) in retaliation, their mission being to break the Eel Protectorate's blockage in order to regain access to the batteries laying in the deep blue. While poorer, the MWBS is a determined force of ships and planes ready to fill with the Eel Protectorate's territorial control with as many holes as there are in the Eel Protectorate's ships.
My path was clear.
With no interest in the batteries, I joined the MWBS to commit battery.
I have designed, and headed covert production of, several types of unit for the MWBS, all out of spite towards Grain Guy's aspirations for crushing mine.
Unfortunately for me, Guywhobuildsstuff has been rather inactive and has not spared me many updates. Our contacts spur no contracts, and so work can hardly progress at anything resembling a worthy pace. If they return soon then perchance I may stop sitting on my will, but if they do not then I will have no choice but to take action independently. I have readied myself for this in arms and equipment, and have sourced personnel agreements with hundreds of impressively loyal fighters.
I seek to down the Eel Protectorate. I will aim for the knee of the metaphorical giant. It will fall from Graingy's graces to the cold floor on which I now lay. And when it is down I shall look to its once-lofty head where Grain Guy resides, see them eye-to-"eye", and they will understand that they are now where they put me.
Perhaps this is reprisal before reason, but I don't care anymore.
Graingy was my career, my life. Now I don't have that.
Et tu, Grain?
I need to up my writing skills…
@Guywhobuildsstuff Wonderful.
I still need information.
I'm working with you as a matter of pragmatism, but it increasingly seeming as though this is in fact counterproductive to my goals.
I need to know what we are, what we have, and when we can actually begin increasing our operations beyond the current small-time raids in dinghies.
Sorry for my absence, my rather underpowered “iPhone 11” ran out of coal and it’s ducts were getting clogged with salt (as my abode is surrounded by salt water exclusively) and Calcium.
I have since refueled it and hired maintainers to keep it more active. As of now, I vow to become more active in the SP community.
@WaterFlavouredSpitfires No, there are not.
The Graingy account used to be mine personally. I used it to support Graingy the company. I eventually handed the account over to the company officially. I then left on another assignment.
The company gave that account to Grain Guy, who now runs it.
I came back and had to make this account.
@Guywhobuildsstuff Not much directly tied to you here, but I may as well alert you anyways.
@Graingy Mhm.
It should be.
That is evident.
@Graingy "I may have slightly underestimated how pissed you are."
@Randomplayer Your timing couldn't be better.
It may, just maybe, be go time.
Hm. I may have slightly underestimated how pissed you are.
Well, thanks for the new Eel War summary, anyways. A few edits here and there and it may almost be unbiased enough to use as an actual description for newcomers!