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[Siren War] Third Contact: Debrief, Battle Report

45.8k ShinyGemsBro  7 months ago

Report authorized for publishing by the Tactical Forces Military Central Command

Reviewed by TFM CentCom Chiefs of Staff, approved by TFM Cmdr. Gen. Robert Arnold Kingsley Jr.

  • 0700H: Siren battleship Purifer warps into Wright Sea. All available forces and patrols of both the TFM and Wright Isles, with elements from international garrisons, scrambled and rerouted to attack.

  • 0730H: CONTACT. Fighters from the 51st Combat Wing of the TFMGAC and the Wright Isles Air Force's 77th Fighter Wing with elements of the 88th Strike Squadron turn in for combat, alongside strike fighter reinforcements and missile fire support from nearby battle fleets of TFNS Admiral Fahrberg and WINS Constellation of the Wright Navy. Fighters deployed are listed below:

15x F-22E Shadow Raptors, 51st CW, Wright Airbase
5x A-10D Super Greyhogs, 51st CW, Wright Airbase
12x F-15G Stinger Eagles, 51st CW, Wright Airbase (majority came from CAP flights)
13x F-15CX Advanced Eagles, 77th FW, Kensington Airbase
10x Su-25KM Frogfoots, 88th SW, Kensington Airbase
18x F-70A Talons, 77th FW, Kensington Airbase

10x MiG-29D Super Fulcrums, TFNS Admiral Fahrberg
10x F/A-18E Buzzer Hornets, TFNS Admiral Fahrberg
13x F/A-18C Legacy Hornets, WINS Constellation
10x F-70N Sea Talons, WINS Constellation

Total Combined Strength: 116 combat aircraft, 2 aircraft carriers, 44 naval vessels

  • 0740H: Allies suffer casualties from Siren Purifier. Numerous fighter losses, damage dealt to vessels. Purifier reinforced by Siren fighter aircraft warping into Wright airspace. Additional reinforcements deployed from Wright Airbase and nearest Wright AF airbases.

  • 0810H: high-intensity energy bolts fired from a distance of 3 miles north-northwest made impact with Siren Purifier. Rogue Siren Watcher Theta engages Purifier, reinforcing allied fleet.

  • 0813H: Watcher Theta intercepts Siren fighters with missiles and directed-energy automatic cannon fire, preventing bombardment against Wright Airbase. Main guns score hits on Purifer, dealing significant damage to hull.

  • 0822H: Observer Alpha warps into Wright Waters to reinforce Purifier upon sending out distress transmission. Watcher Theta engages Siren battleships supported by surviving allied fighters and the Admiral Fahrberg and Constellation battle fleet. Naval battle escalates.

  • 0844H: Tactical Forces Military capital ships enter hot zone to reinforce defenders. Battleships TFNS Gladiator and TFNS Sparta enter from the Atlantic, with their fleet immediately firing cruise missiles against the hostile Siren vessels. Supercarrier TFNS Aurora Borealis enters from the north with her battle fleet. Cruise missiles immediately fired with additional fighters deployed from Aurora Borealis.

  • 0905H: Observer Alpha suffers multiple critical hits from Watcher Theta, TFNS Gladiator, and TFNS Sparta , losing two of four main guns after receiving accurate main cannon fire from Watcher Theta. Siren Purifier suffered extensive damage to hull.`

  • 0920H: END OF CONTACT. Observer Alpha and Purifier engage emergency warp and exit Wright waters after being surrounded by allied fleet. Fighters resume Combat Air Patrol after rearming and refueling.

  • 0930H: Watcher Theta escorts civilian passenger vessels transporting medical workers to affected coastal towns of Wright, and allowing rescue helicopters to offload casualties onto her deck for transit to Wright Airbase for faster transport to hospitals with assistance from TFM rescue helos and ambulances.

End of Report

Distribution of this file to 3rd parties, known, or unknown, without the consent of TFM Central Command is illegal and will be subject to TFM Intelligence observation and/or apprehension.

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    At first i thought they were hostile because you know... Sirens... But it turns out that they were friendly i see

    6 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro oo I see, good luck bro, praying you'll ace your exams.

    7 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    @DimitriIqbal91 In the middle of exams right now
    Can't really do much just yet

    7 months ago
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    When Siren War update

    7 months ago
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    Yooo is this kind of roleplay or somethin?

    7 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    @DimitriIqbal91 They should be fine as long as the units they purchase aren't over their budget and reserves

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro how long till the TFM CentCom hits their credit limit?

    Because I'm planning more stuff

    7 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    @DimitriIqbal91 She has warp sensors in her systems that allow her to detect entities in transit. And is doing work with TFM Central Command and the big companies to devise a warp radar of sorts to detect inbound anomalous changes in space.

    even then, the allies must always have forces airborne for them to be redirected in order to land the first hit once the Hive Sirens exit warp. Theta's also at work with CentCom to integrate the same detection tech to the Space Triangle, the TFM's orbiting surveillance station in space.

    +1 7 months ago
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    Hmm... Judging how Watcher Theta managed to score more hits than human forces, she must know/have the sort of... Thing, that can track and target Siren forces effectively. In her interrogation, she said she'll aid the research so we can fight back. I wonder if we'll see the result of the cooperation later?

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro Any way to make em effective? Some good weapon types?

    7 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    @DimitriIqbal91 They're doing damage, but not fully effective. That's why the TFM and nearby forces launch swarms to mitigate their lack of combat effectiveness with higher numbers

    7 months ago
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    Hey, question. How useful are 4.5th gen fighters in the war against Siren?

    7 months ago
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    8,676 Rb2h

    I tanked the siren fighter with a propeller plane, these guys with 5th gens need to get more skill fr🗿

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro can you please release watcher theta I would very much like to use it

    7 months ago
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    @DimitriIqbal91 I agree with you on that and @B0mbsAway46I3 I am working on a super plane capable of beating the A-40 also I’m going the typical anime route and making a mech

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro said instant resolution was already (almost) a month ago, so, is it really instant?

    7 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    Immediately coming up with a resolution doesn't really count for a good story, does it?

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro i thought giving solutions for a new hope would be count as a progress....

    7 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    @Yourlocalhuman I'd appreciate it if you could just allow this to progress instead of jumping in and saying this must be done more accurately worded into a suggestion.

    7 months ago
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    Also calm down, i dont like being rude and rude people

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro Lore wise Sirens are born from the same creators of Wisdom cubes.... So not that diffrent

    7 months ago
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    45.8k ShinyGemsBro

    @Yourlocalhuman You sure love rushing things don't you.
    Might as well just use a fucking nukestorm and teleport it to their homeworld.

    7 months ago
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    Yall ever wonder if using Wisdom cubes and fighting these sirens lore-accurately would be a good idea?

    7 months ago
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    @DimitriIqbal91 well if we would want to stand a chance we gonna need aircrafts strait outa Yukikaze or Ace combat just so we can actually fight against these Siren things.

    7 months ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro It is good to have allies however, I'd still push for mankind to be able to fend itself without the help of external forces.

    +1 7 months ago
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