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Heisei godzillas head is done.

38.5k Hiiamhere  4 months ago
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    weird haircut

    +1 4 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 godzilla looking like the michelin man shouldn't be a problem anymore as I have made him more muscular.

    4 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 After one whole day of tinkering this was the best I could come up with, but trust me it's realy hard to make somthing like this in sp. The good thing is it can only get better from here.

    4 months ago
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    1,141 NoOne123

    @Hiiamhere it probably gonna look like a fat version of final wars Godzilla if you combine with the body

    +1 4 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 I know 😅

    +1 4 months ago
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    1,141 NoOne123

    It kinda looks like final wars Godzilla

    4 months ago
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    51.5k calli3


    4 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere

    @NoOne123 Wait realy? Maby try refreshing it.

    4 months ago
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    1,141 NoOne123

    The image on me says "alt text" how do I fix that?

    4 months ago
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    1,141 NoOne123


    4 months ago
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    38.5k Hiiamhere


    4 months ago