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'Murican 767

50.6k Mal0ne  one month ago

out soon idk

thanks :)

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    +1 one month ago
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    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    Ppl are gonna recreate 9/11 with this

    one month ago
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    32.1k Pakkoyan


    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    18.3k LM0418

    That's insane like deadass
    T ofc

    one month ago
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    40.1k Majakalona

    @Eggplant Yes! Make the part count so high that people cant run it on their dinky stupid ipad with 25 different apps downloaded on it and orange juice spilled on it

    one month ago
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    Definitely tag me on this, that's a beautiful build!

    one month ago
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    30.0k CN


    I hear the white ranks coming...

    +2 one month ago
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    12.2k Eggplant

    Oh no please make the part count too high to run on the plane crash kids' ipads

    and green light is on the right side btw
    green, right, starboard have more letters than
    red, left, port
    if that helps you remember where the nav lights go :)

    +4 one month ago
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    15.1k JP11

    lovely american :3

    +1 one month ago
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    42.4k CL125

    the silver one

    +1 one month ago