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[PEA Lore] MiGs of 'Murica

56.5k TheUltimatePlaneLover  4 months ago

Pea Lore

By now, anyone who follows the PEA Lore knows about the infamous B-29's Wikipedia Page but Badly Translated, which has been confirmed to be canon to the PEA Lore. However, despite the awe-inspiring chronicle, it does leave out some details, such as the MiG-13s that got Tu-4ed.

Sometime during the events of B-29's Wikipedia Page Badly Translated, the P-29 had been repaired following its close call at Chengdu, and was sent out early in the morning to escort the B-29 that we keep talking about (or at least one of them). The mission in question was literally to fly slowly around the base until they ran out of gas.

However, the Soviet Union thought this was either or both stupid of the Boeing 29s or a perfect time to test out the MiG-13s, which made it to mass-production in the PEAverse. A squadron of four MiG-13s was sent to shoot the two down just for the heck of it, and the P-29 immediately ran away because he was still terrified from his close call with Chengdu.

Good news is, the Superfortress didn't really care, and tapping into its roots with the B-17 Fighter Jet, engaged the MiGs in an epic 4v1- for clarity, the B-29 was the 1. In spite of this though, the MiGs didn't stand a chance against the B-29.
The first one downed took a critical hit to its wing, which set the wing on fire and ultimately caused it to crash into one of the small mountains near the base. The second one was apparently never hit, and simply crashed in a semi-successful attempt to dodge the B-29's surprising firepower; it was successful in dodging the B-29, but unsuccessful in dodging death as a whole. The third one had attempted to flank the B-29, but oversped and got right in front of the B-29 where it was obliterated and crashed into the water. The fourth one was damaged, but managed to return to base with an important message: Soviet Bias isn't real in the PEAverse. (Confused Su-27 noises)

Back to serious matters, one of the downed MiG-13s was considered gone forever, not only being shredded by nearly point-blank gunfire, but also plunging into the ocean where it could sink and rust for who knows how long. On the other hand, the first two that had been shot down were relatively undamaged aside from the crash itself, and as such the B-29 took their remnants back to its base.

A, or more accurately the only picture showing the wrecked MiG-13s, the shiny pieces of it can be seen within the red circle (zoom in if you can't see it). The B-29 was undamaged in the fight, but tipped over and destroyed two of its propellers on landing.
Once back at the base- which, I should remind, the entire fight was literally orbiting- the MiG-13s' remnants were combined to make one composite MiG-13. From there, the Americans made a genius move: they put the USAF roundel on it and put it through the copy + paste machine. It would become known as the MiG-13, because they couldn't think of another name. However, it two would be upgraded to make the FR-1 Fireball and XF2R Dark Shark. Oh also, the P-29 survived the entire skirmish, albeit doing nothing, and returned to base with the B-29.

End of Report.

Fun Fact: Unlike the Monarchii War where a story was made prehand and the pictures were made to support it, this story was made in reverse order, with the pictures being made first simply because I found it interesting and then manifesting into this story.

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    Apparently @HanakoSan was here first

    Didn't even get to make the first Tag before they upvoted lol

    Pinned 4 months ago
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    @Graingy I'M JUST SAYING...

    4 months ago
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    34.4k Graingy

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover ew.

    4 months ago
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    @Graingy Kind of? Most of the humans still on earth in this universe are either in hiding or servants of the PEAs, so technically speaking yes.

    4 months ago
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    34.4k Graingy

    Cloned? Are these planes made of flesh?

    4 months ago
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    @Graingy Basically the MiG-13s got shot down by the B-29, and the MiGs' remnants were captured and forged into one composite MiG-13, which would be cloned and eventually evolve into the FR-1 and XF2R (real planes with similar propeller-jet-hybrid engines, albeit different origins, look it up)

    4 months ago
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    34.4k Graingy


    4 months ago
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    Three amogus, one impsotor

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.4k Majakalona

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover too complex

    4 months ago
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    @Majakalona the links as the visors lol

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.4k Majakalona

    ... sussussussusus

    4 months ago
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    @Majakalona Among Us

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.4k Majakalona


    4 months ago
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    @Majakalona I see it lol


    +1 4 months ago
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    50.4k Majakalona

    ......A. .majakalona. .A
    it's the thing in my Gravatar

    +1 4 months ago
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    @Majakalona Majakalona

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.4k Majakalona


    4 months ago
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    P-29 is goated

    +1 4 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover lol, P-29 content is P-29 content

    4 months ago
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    @Majakalona plane
    and bye

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.4k Majakalona

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover part inneficcient sht stains
    Anyways which one should I do, not a chesspeice this time
    byetheway I'm gonna sleep, bye

    4 months ago
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    @Majakalona make it part efficient >:)

    +1 4 months ago
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    @Majakalona hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    +1 4 months ago
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    50.4k Majakalona

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover how would I make that, it's too complex

    +1 4 months ago
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    +1 4 months ago
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