This is a horrible Incident that happened, Now we have it on RatLeak! heres a gif
i made this using blender and my phone's camera
Q: Did you make the model?
A: i got it off of roblox, its called Louie
Q: why did you do such a thing
A: i was messing around with blender and the louie model
i used the cloth thing in the sculpt tab
MSdosWithamachinegun123 plew up (RatLeak)
52.4k Majakalona
8 months ago
@TheMouse get well soon.
@TheMouse Lego dying sfx
@Majakalona 😨
@TheMouse Hope you feel better after the surgery from this... Incident
P.S: I gave you a pokemon card I found in the dumpster, those things go for thousands and it will probably pay for the surgery
this is why @themouse shouldntve axmdhjfcbjded that gameboy micro