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Crestan Conflict mini: Experimental Contacts

13.1k CrestelAeronautics  10 months ago

Date: [REDACTED] Location: Yeager airport, Open waters

Subgect: Silver 1
Callsign: [REDACTED]
Operation: [REDACTED]

Silver 1: I don’t see anything yet.
Silver 2: OK, begin the operation.
Silver 1: bombs away!

Silver 3: Targets hit! Enemy down.
Base command: Silver team, RTB

Silver 1: Finally, I can rest. (Foreshadowing)
???: To the 3 aircraft in the airspace, land your planes now or be shot down

Silver 2: OK, I surrender.
Silver 3: Me too.
Silver 1: No, I refuse to give up my aircraft!
???: OK then…
Base command: Silver 1, what are you doing?!
Silver 1: Engaging the enemy.

Silver 1: The datalink doesn’t show what this is…
Silver 1: and it has a prototype paint job.

???: Arming meson cannon
Silver 1: Base command, get me some info on meson cannons
Base command: A meson cannon is a laser weapon able to swich between pulse and beam modes
Base command: it uses gases instead of light, but can still generate a laser beam
Base command: the rest is classified

Silver 1: There seems to be some kind of field around it.
Silver 1: WOAH!
Silver 1: HOW DID IT DO THAT?!
Base command: What?
Base command: HOW?!
Silver 1: It seems to have an anti-gravity manuvering system

???: Woah, this guy’s good.
Silver 2 & 3 watch from the ground, studying the enemy craft
Silver 1: I got you now!
???: pulls another 180
Silver 1: WHAT TH- dies

???: Predictable.
MDAAF Yeager ATC: Hey! You stole that line!
(In refrence to Crimson 1’s: <<Predictable.>>)

-End of data set-
Aircraft shown: AC-50, [REDACTED],

Coming late!
-Crestel Classification Corp.

Wait a minute…
It’s already come, so, uh…

-Actual end of data set-

P.S. [REDACTED] is now de-classified, it’s the SVX-00

Also, End of Deception would go hard with this (6th best soundtrack)