The problem with some of the websites that are used for direct image links in descriptions is that not everyone can see them (like how doesn't work in Indonesia), so should have it's own section where users can upload images, making all images universally visible.
Should have its own section to upload images?
25.2k RobertsAeronautics
10 months ago
@L3FT2R1GHT Gravatar
You use it for your profile icon, you can use it to upload images
Idk if it's on mobile, you may need to set it to desktop site to find the images part
@jamesPLANESii is there any image hosting website that's available to all?
@jamesPLANESii cha ching
Devs reacting to the new server costs after adding image hosting
Just use Gravatar, simpleplanes already uses it for the profile icons
And I'm sure steam isn't blocked in any countries, wouldn't want thousands of people unable to play 4D Minesweeper.
Lemme clarify something, steam allows you to upload images to the community hub or your profile
Edit: for some reason it autocorrected to simpleplanes2 instead of Simpleplanes
The problem is, that would take so much more server, it would be very hard. I doubt it will happen.