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[ Teaser ] Part Efficient Aircraft - An Update

61.9k ZeroWithSlashedO  10 months ago
Part Efficient Aircraft - V2 Update

Hey everyone. Zerø here. If you've been trying out my Part Efficient Aircrafts, you know that they have been quite the lackluster. Most of them underperform, and some of them have trouble flying.

I know that Part Efficient Aircraft is mainly built for SimplePlanes AI and are designed to create a more realistic environment, but the Part Efficient Aircrafts that I make exist primarily for us players for everyone to feel the realistic aircraft performance for a cheap part cost, with some AI capability in mind. As such, I have made an attempt to try and improve the Part Efficient Aircrafts posted.

McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle

Starting off, the F-15C has been updated with a better maneuverability. It should be able to pull a much better Angle of Attack, and more realistic energy retention rate. The F-15C also has it's stability improved. Previously, the aircraft would perform a dutch roll during high angle of attacks. It has now been solved.

Sukhoi Su-27P Flanker-B

The Su-27P suffered the same issue as the F-15C, as it lacks maneuverability. And with the same issue in mind, it was about balancing it with the F-15C. Since according to various datas saying that the F-15 and the Su-27 performed similar to each other, the Su-27P was adjusted to be very similar to the F-15C in terms of it's performance. The Su-27P's stability also has been adjusted to be able to perform a Pugachev's Cobra. The Su-27P might also be reconsidered to become the Su-27SKM. The aircraft also might have one detail added in advance.

Eurofighter EF-2000 TR.3 Typhoon

The Typhoon suffered the worst performance issue of all. With the aircraft being rather hard to tune it's Fly-By-FunkyTree, it's maneuverability had to unfortunately be sacrificed. However, after some fine tuning, I've found out that the reason it had to do is with the hidden airbrake placement, and is now being adjusted to perform like how a delta wing should perform. However, since delta wings work weird in SP, I had to unfortunately add 2 more parts so the aircraft would perform as a pseudo delta winged aircraft.

General Dynamics F-16A Fighting Falcon

Unironically, the F-16A had the best accuracy out of all the Part Efficient Aircrafts I've made. So, not much changed from it apart from weapon balancing and energy retention rate adjustment, as well as damage model balancing.

Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor

The F-22A had an issue that has always been bugging it ever since the start. Though the F-22A is capable of pulling absurdly high alpha maneuvers, it would not do so without going out of control. To mitigate this, the Fly-By-FunkyTree had been adjusted with Angle Of Slip in mind. This wasn't enough however, as it would still go out of control whenever the pilot uses the full stick. This problem, though didn't fully dissapear, has been mostly prevented by ever so slightly reducing it's high alpha capabilities.

Mitsubishi F-104J Eikou

After watching Falcon's Fighter Tale's defense for the F-104, it inspired me to make an F-104 myself. And to my, but absolutely no one's surprise, the F-104 was extremely difficult to fly. Requiring an extremely high speed to take off, it was difficult to even lift it from the ground. They called it the "Mitsubishi Pencil" for a reason!

Extra Notes:

All aircraft has been updated with a better performing weapon, and a better damage model.

Here's hoping I don't delay these updates by a long shot. See you next time!