I've been engaged in something of a shipbuilding program recently.
Things have been going... tolerably enough. I have, however encountered some supply issues with propellers. Nothing crippling, but I've been hoping to patch this weak link.
Anyone know any good deals for propellers?
Design can be inspected here for requirements.
Kahlenberg or VEEM Marine might be worth a look.
@Graingy no
@TheMouse Well, do tell me if you find any companies or organizations well-suited to the production of variable-pitch bronze marine ship propellers.
Idk then. Physics here is not exactly great.
@TheMouse Those propellers look horrendously inefficient.
I'm hoping to secure a supply link for models much alike what the Fillets already use.
@Majakalona I would place doubts in the quality of anything sourced from places such as that.
The props will work for either.
@TheMouse Not quite.
I'm looking to provide for the construction and servicing of more Fillet-class ships, as is linked.
or in game? idk
@Majakalona @AnotherRB
Wait, is he looking for something to buy in rl? Wouldn't that be against the rules?
@TheMouse No, like irl?
try looking in goodwill or any other flea market
Something like this?