Just, like, a button that takes you to a random post.
Could be anything, craft, or forums. Maybe integrate tags?
Didn’t Google have a button like that or something?
“I’m feeling lucky”? Idk never used it.
Anyways thought that’d be cool for finding ancient otherwise ignored craft. Maybe not worth the effort, though.
@LM0418 I am aware. It’s rather uncharacteristic for them, though, so I am a little concerned.
Probably nothing, but it’s still a bit strange.
@TheMouse from the website. this is one of the ones it gave me.
A random plane chosen from your own downloaded planes? Or from the website?
There's this mod I had for a day or two where you press a big button and you get a random plane. Unfortunately the button is massive and it never goes away, even when you hide the UI with F9. Also I'm not sure if the planes are truly random because I remember every single time I pressed the button I got something really old.
It’s normal for ppl to take a day off or two you don’t have to freak out about it
@Graingy keyboard word suggestion whatever nonsense
@DatFiat126Fan19 what
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@Majakalona extra wacky
@TheMouse random stuff
@TheMouse ?
Gotta go. Tell me what happens, tomorrow.