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[PEAverse] F-86H Sabre Takeover Arc

74.2k TheUltimatePlaneLover  9 months ago

We need help.

The Sabres are taking over. They're killing all the PEAs and there's nothing we can do about it.

But wait, when and why did this all start???
Well, originally, the first Sabre was made on March 6th, 2024.

Just a simple little F-86F. Innocent and pure. No issue here.
But things took a turn on May 18, Saturday, 2024....

The very first PEA F-86H "Sabrehog" was made. Like the first, it was innocent. But this time it was much more powerful than intended... its four 20mm cannons could rip into almost any PEA with ease, and it proved so maneuverable, yet so stable, it was almost impossible to beat. Admitted, this wasn't an issue; nothing is invincible, after all. But that all changed when the Sabrehog was mass produced.

The F-86Hs started appearing everywhere in large numbers. At first, no one thought much of them, it was routine for PEAs to patrol their territory, and the Americans were especially territorial. The real issue came when they began engaging other aircraft in combat, namely Su-27s, MiG-13s, MiG-15s, and Tu-4s. To date, only one of these encounters saw the target aircraft come out alive, a single Su-27 that escaped by pretending to have been shot down (later becoming the "Lifting Flanker").

Above, the Flanker mentioned earlier
Although effective, with only about 3 F-86Hs being actually shot down in all of these engagements combined, they were starting to drift out of hand. The PEA USA almost considered demanding the Sabres to stop their onslaughts.
But this all changed when the F-86Hs shot down an F/A-18F.

This was their way of saying they were going rogue, and from there chaos broke out. For the first time since the PEA takeover, arch rivals teamed up to try to shoot down this threat before it expanded. But it wasn't enough.

PEAs were cooked left and right. The Sabres showed no mercy. Missiles were effective against lone scouts, but large formations seemed to have some strange ability to nullify missiles. For a while, there was only one known way to counter them; crash into their face.

Although Kamikaze was an effective way to defeat Sabres, it wasn't effective, ideal, or ethical in any way, and even then, it was possible that the Sabres could dodge the kamikaze attack and shoot down the attacker themselves. In spite of the horrible odds, though, many valiant attempts were made to stop the F-86H takeover.

The Me 262 C-1a was one of the most notable Sabrehog counters. Being a rocket-powered variant of the Schwalbe, the C-1a was able to use its high speed to build a gap between the two and utilize it to maneuver enough to hit the Sabre. In some rare occasions, the C-1a was even able to beat the F-86H in a raw turn fight. She was able to shoot down two Sabres so far, and amazingly managed to land safely despite being hit. As of now, C-1a is one of the only surviving "Sabrehog Counters" that we'll mention.

Above: The Me 262 C-1a is on fire but alive, with her victim's remnants circled in the background
Below: The C-1a lands safely in spite of her combat injuries

The other two were the J2M3 and MiG-P-51. The MiG-P-51 was notably the most successful of the F-86H counters, scoring five shoot downs against them, and surprisingly beating most of them in turn fights. However, all of his wins were 1v1s, upon having to face 5 at once, he was able to hit a few non-fatally before being hit and shot down himself.
The J2M3 was much less successful. It was able to surprisingly beat one F-86H in a head-on fight, but that was it. Second attempt saw its tail cleaved off before it fell onto a mountain, where it met its end.

What do we need (and what not)?

Well, we know that we need an ace dogfighter, the issue is we don't know how to make one that can handle several of these overpowered Sabres at once.

We do, however, know a few things that we don't need:

-High armor: The Sabres are relentless and come in large numbers, no amount of armor will be capable of resisting their gunfire forever.

-Missiles: Missiles will be effective against lone Sabres, but lone Sabres aren't the issue, it's the swarm ones which are apparently immune to missiles.

-Unarmed aircraft: No aircraft donated can be unarmed, not even reconnaissance aircraft.

-Drones: we've discovered that their Electronic Warfare is stronger than we though, with visual communication with drones being cut off moments before the said drones are confirmed shot down.

Some things we know about them, they've established an alliance with the Calliope Clan and NMR, so yeah, everyone's life just got harder.

And uh... that's about it.


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    @Sirstickery nice

    9 months ago
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    Also if you are still crashing into them I got something designed for it, ill add some more bombs to it so it can obliterate any aircraft it hits.

    9 months ago
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    @Sirstickery sounds pretty good to me lol

    9 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I just redesign a one of my jets, has a ridiculous amount of guns and is small.

    +1 9 months ago
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    @Sirstickery We could see, what's your idea?

    9 months ago
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    Not sure if they would count as PEA, but I have some aircraft that are rather simple, maybe that could work against the F-86H? Ill go back to making military planes to solve this issue.

    9 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover aight,i cooked,be sure to check it out :D

    9 months ago
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    @SuperSuperTheSylph Nevermind, we got fuel to cook
    Just continued my Bad Translation of Me 262 and we got "P-80 Meteor"
    Gloster Meteor coming after PB4Y, followed by F-16 and F-100. Get ready.

    +1 9 months ago
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    Time to cook

    Random Idea: The MiG-P-51 was created by a badly translated Wikipedia Page so why not try the same method for similar results? I'm thinking either the F-16, P-80, or F-86 wikipedia page, maybe the J2M or A6M

    I've been cookin the Me 262 Badly Translated too but it's not half as wild as the B-29's (Bad translator legit has American bias and I don't have a problem with it lol)

    +1 9 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover ok then,TUPL we need to cook

    9 months ago
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    @SuperSuperTheSylph Feel free to, preferably multiple things because they managed to shoot down an F-33A Falchion.

    One thing I would recommend is just a supercharged MiG-P-51, despite being born from a joke it's actually terrifyingly good in combat and can almost always beat an F-86H in a 1v1 as long as the pilot is good enough, only issue being the not-so-rare scenario that the MiG-P-51 has to fight multiple Sabres.

    +1 9 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover goddamn it...i might make up something

    +1 9 months ago
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    @Noname918181818181818181 thanks :D

    9 months ago
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    @FOXHOUND26 aight

    9 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover just look at the PROJECT X that I uploaded

    9 months ago
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    Platinum lol

    9 months ago
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    @FOXHOUND26 might be worth it, show me

    9 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics the Sabres or the Counters?
    Because the Counters already have AIM-9s, specifically mounted on the YF-23, F/A-18F, and F-11A, so far all have failed.

    9 months ago
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    I wonder when they’ll get AIM-9s

    9 months ago
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    I can send one of the PROJECT x prototypes there flak cannons are quite effective and work long range

    9 months ago
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    Ideas?? We need something, anything, but not something useless

    9 months ago
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    This is a cry for help and this time I mean it

    +2 9 months ago