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Help, I ran out of ideas

13.1k CrestelAeronautics  9 months ago

I need ideas for this weeks report. I ran out of ideas. Also send pictures, why? Because I’m lazy.

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    35.8k TheGliderGuy

    Asg-29 ?????????

    9 months ago
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    Why? Who started this war? Why is this war happening? What is it for? Who is the aggressor, and who is the defender? Is it clear? Is it blurred? Is there a simple reason, or a deeply rooted intricate explanation that didn’t become apparent until it was too late? Is this an isolated conflict on a small border or even a faraway empty battlefield? Or is it close to home? What do the civilians think of the war? Do they know why their county is fighting? Do they support the fighting? Is the reason for the war justified? Do the civilians think that that justification stands when they see their friends, parents, and children dying in a distant sky, field, or sea? Or worse, what do the civilians think when the war comes to them? Do they hoot and holler and cheer in bars and parlors when a victory is announced? Do they then grow silent and cold when the artillery fire is heard in the distance? What do they think of the war when the bombs start falling on their city? What do they think when there are tank battles and street-to-street fighting in the suburbs? What do they think when soldiers occupy the intersections downtown? What do they think when the high school is turned into a mass casualty hospital, and the elementary school a morgue? Did they ask for this war? Who started this war? Why?

    +1 9 months ago
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    If I get it done in time

    9 months ago
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    You will have stuff to do tomorrow I’m releasing a new mini then

    9 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics dunno

    9 months ago
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    62.1k TheMouse
    9 months ago
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    Well, we have the new F-33As, M126s, and F/A-29s, for one

    9 months ago
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    9 months ago
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    +1 9 months ago
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    bim latin does stuff

    9 months ago
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    9 months ago
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    9 months ago