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Crestan Conflict week 2.1: empty skies

13.1k CrestelAeronautics  9 months ago

Week 2.1 because it’s late, I didn’t do week 1 because of the mini and be figuring out the date, and I forgot to do week 2 yesterday
90% unbiased this time no actually

Also I am sick, don’t expect much from me

So, starting off todays news report. Foxhound has shown off the second Project X aircraft, the F-33F, and… uh… that’s it I think.
Oh wait, TUPL has F-33As, M-126s, and F/A-29s.

”A giant spider” -The Mouse

some SK-3 flyovers

like the title says, empty skies

Oh wait, I’m working on some things too, here:

the F-33C / OVU-33

and the OV-7, OV-7H, and OV-7M. Ordered from top to bottom

And I belive that is all, have a nice day!

-end of data set-