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<< I Guess it's Time for a Little History Lesson >> (Pt. 1, possibly)

14.3k Griffon1  8 months ago

Long have I hinted at a few specific named squadrons for the Accilian Air Force, so I believe a good idea would be to put everything I have for these guys here.
I have five of them lined up here
Goshawk and the Remains of Griffon Squadrons
A formation of Goshawk Squadron and the remains of Griffon Squadron, post TCMC Crisis

The 80th Interception "Griffon" Squadron

Hey lois look, Im in an airplane
One of Griffon Squadron's AF-09 Interceptors
Initially being comprised of eight aircraft and emerging from the Salt Islands Skirmish as decorated pilots, the 80th Interception Squadron, known as Griffon Squadron, quickly became the poster boys of the Accilian Propaganda machine, often appearing on recruitment advertisements and generally becoming national heroes. The squadron was granted "free range" rights to sortie as they please in the event of another war, and became very effective at pursuing deserters and peoples of interest. By the time the TCMC Crisis rolled around, Griffon's flight lead dragged the squadron into deserting themselves, and ended up as a trump card for the terrorist movement known as The Cycle Must Continue. Eventually most of the squadron fell in combat during the crisis to Goshawk Squadron, and Griffon 1 was killed in action soon after, bringing an end to the crisis. After the Crisis, the three surviving pilots of Griffon Sq. were branded international terrorists and lived as fugitives until joining up with Goshawk later in an effort to unravel the Ascendant conspiracy.

The 76th Tactical Fighter "Goshawk" Squadron

Goshawk Squadron in a Piss Filter
Goshawk Squadron flying low to avoid radar detection
Following shortly in the footsteps of Griffon Sq., the 76th Tactical Fighter Squadron are the heroes of the TCMC Crisis. Initially serving based in the city of Blackwind, Goshawk Squadron was quickly able to establish itself as the next greatest pilots the AAF has to offer. Flying many sorties in the Crisis against high-value targets, which include TCMC's aerial warship, Griffon Squadron, their mountainous fortress, and eventually Griffon 1 himself. They fly AF-03 advanced fighters, while after the Crisis being retrained on the AF-12. Some time after they began to pick up hints of a worldwide conspiracy dug deep into all the governments of the world, and when trying to find out more were branded as traitors themselves, eventually fleeing in their former aircraft and relegated to incognito operations against the Ascendant conspiracy. They eventually met up with the rest of Griffon Sq. and the results of their endeavors have yet to be seen

52nd Advanced Fighter "Warhawk" Squadron

Warhawk Squadron providing air cover during Operation Silencer
The 52nd Advanced Fighter Squadron, known as Warhawk Squadron, was assigned use of the AF-13 fighter after the TCMC Crisis. Their noteworthy combat record was a reason behind the squadron being one of the first to receive this aircraft. Warhawk Sq. was instrumental in providing air cover for "Operation Silencer", an operation in eastern Teirelsia to quell a rebel cell there.

21st Advanced Fighter "Odin" Squadron

only two of them?
Odin Squadron, also during Operation Silencer, with their Weapons Pods open
The 21st Advanced Fighter Squadron, using the codename "Odin," are a two-plane formation under the jurisdiction of the Accilian Special Operations Department. They fly many special missions which often require the use of the stealthy AF-14 multirole. Odin were present during Operation Silencer both before and after, to soften air defenses and later clean up any remaining ground assets in the area. However, their activity during the operation itself remains classified.

So those are four of my named squadrons for the Accilian Air Force. This should give some figureheads and characters in case I ever need to point here in the event I join a war or something. I have a few more in my roster but dont have images or a service record for them, plus a couple based on alternate paint jobs I've made.

Any thoughts? Have suggestions? Does my writing suck? I'm willing to provide additional detail if anyone needs it.