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50.7k BeastHunter  9 months ago

It’s been a while.

While I’ve been mostly inactive on this site, my account has reached four years old and I’ve surpassed 50,000 points. Given that upvotes are usually in 15 point increments, this means that I have received over 3,300 upvotes. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way.
Anyway, we know what you’re here for. I’ve been working on this on and off for two years, and I’ve refrained from sharing progress because I’m afraid I will abandon the project.


I know it’s a bad DC-3 ripoff, but it at least finally no longer has square wings.


It has air stairs at the rear and jet bridge doors at the front because why not?


I don’t know if I will ever finish or how long it will take, but thank all of you for all these years.