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3D printer clogging problem

94.3k winterro  9 months ago

So, as you may know, I build rc stuff using my ender 5. However, I recently encountered a problem.

I’ve checked everything about my printer, and I realy mean everything.

When I start a print it makes a perfect first layer, then after the second layer, it clogs for about ten layers and makes a terrible mess, then after that goes on like nothing ever happened.

When in the air, the printer extrudes no problem. But on the bed it just instantly throws in the towel. The bed is not too close on the nozzle and was working fine until it just suddenly changed.

The filament just blocks up on the second layer instantly, like a switch. Then a few layers on it just unclogs and goes on it’s merry way again.

Any clue what happened?
* I know how to declog a printer
* everything in the printhead has been cleaned and looked over
* Bowden is frictionless
* extruder works flawlessly

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    @winterro hey there, sorry for the delay. Here’s the link. Should take you to the thingiverse parts, it’ll have a base bracket and the actual loop part. I printed the one with the notch in it

    9 months ago
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    94.3k winterro

    @Thelegitpilot13 where can I find it?

    9 months ago
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    I had a similar problem with my Ender 3. The issue I found was that the filament would fail to enter the extruder properly due to how the filament was coiled up, and it would grind down into the extruder motor, eventually breaking off and not even extruding into it. I ended up printing an assembly from Thingiverse to orient the filament better and fix this exact problem, and it did as advertised. Maybe that could help for you too? I can't say for certainty due to how different our printers are. Long story short, it's likely a filament issue, so make sure it feeds properly when low down.

    9 months ago
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    94.3k winterro

    Hmm I might try that@32

    9 months ago
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    39.0k Graingy

    @DatFiat126Fan19 indeed, comrade.

    9 months ago
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    31.1k 32

    I have a Prusa MK2 I think. It’s ancient, and it only does a half-decent job if I have quality filament in it. Maybe that’s worth checking?

    9 months ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan

    @Graingy this communistic community is something else, and i love it.

    9 months ago
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    39.0k Graingy truly is a dedicated website to a single purpose lmao
    I love this community fr fr

    +2 9 months ago
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    ye, check the filament temperatures, width, and maybe what width your slicing software is set to.
    (does the base/first layer break off of where it was printed while printing, or is it firmly secure on the moving plate thing?)

    9 months ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    I have an Ender 3 S1 Pro, and I have no clue.
    Although, one random variable is the filament? What filament do you use? Have you recently changed it?

    9 months ago
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    mine is a UV light printer and I spilled everywhere and the resin got cured in the resin tank and it just makes a buzzing sound due to it being calibrated incorrectly

    9 months ago