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Why I like simpleplanes more than any other 3d blender

42.4k Hiiamhere  8 months ago

As you may have noticed I don't exactly make planes in this game about planes. That begs the question, Why exactly do I use simpleplanes and not any other 3d blender In existence.

Reasons why.
1. Animation & physics.
2. Multiplayer & community.
3. I actually do like aviation.
4. Challenging.

1. Animation & physics.
Well it's because simple planes has a certain liveliness to it that most 3d blenders don't have, like the funky physics. In most 3d blenders animation is tedious and time consuming while here in simpleplanes with the right twisting of the physics in overload the game will begin to animate for you. Also instead of animating me destroying a car, I can just make simpleplanes do the work for me with its funky physics.

Imagine trying to make an action scene of an anime carracter attacking godzilla with a heat seaking missle. In normal animation it would take days to animate, but in simpleplanes you just press play spawn your wifu with heat seaking missle as ai and begin screen recording.

2. Multiplayer & community.
There are almost ZERO 3d blenders with Multiplayer live servers where you can blow somebody else's build up, socialize and talk to other players. Except vr chat maby. Plus the community in my eyes is flipping awesome!
There are not many 3D blenders with this great of a community.

3. Secretly I do like aviation a lot.
I didn't just buy this game to make silly shit posts about kajiu's, I actually like aviation quite a lot.
I even fly rc planes! In fact I have five of them.
One I even build my self using the knowledge from simpleplanes like what roll, pitch and yaw does what lift is what center of mass is what it means to be inbalace and even more stuff like how ro save weight and how to get the least amount of drag. And eventually if I do my best I might even go and study aerospace at the university of TU Delft.

4. Challenges.
I like a bit of a challenge and what better way to challenge my self than to make builds that are not plane related in a game about planes.
What's the fun of a game if you have nothing to do am I right lads?

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    13.9k Guh

    Plus you can import to blender but you can't import blender to simpleplanes

    +1 8 months ago
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    @Hiiamhere we need tape

    8 months ago
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    42.4k Hiiamhere

    @ComradeSandman Oops autocorrect be kinda wild these days.

    8 months ago
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    42.4k Hiiamhere

    @Majakalona yeah.

    +1 8 months ago
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    as of recently,i have always thought about SP as some kind of 3D modeling software,and it is very well masked within the game

    +1 8 months ago
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    131k KSB24

    Just like as you do, i also, and we're all also loving simpleplanes very much

    +2 8 months ago
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    Heat leaking missiles
    The thing at the back sure leaks a lot of heat

    +1 8 months ago
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    4,332 JayStream

    I like making ragdoll physic things in SP

    +2 8 months ago
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    By blender do you mean a 3d modeling software?

    +1 8 months ago