So I modified the wings from Wing-3 to Wing-2 but I noticed that each time a part of the plane has been demolished the wings that are set for Wing-2 wont act like wings and instead act like they aren't even real like shown in the video (Besides the part where the thing was demolished)
@TheMouse I already did XD and it did fix that issue which I'm never gonna set wings to Wing-2 again unless I have to fix something XD
Wait a second, try setting the wings to wing-3 and see if it flies ok.
@TheMouse To help EVERYONE understand what I meant XD its a but lengthy though
@TheMouse Here I'll show a vid ik this isn't helping XD
I see?
@TheMouse Okay now it can barrel roll while nose diving so here was the problem. Apparently when something on your plane has exploded like in the video that's up in the forum. The wings that are set to Wing-2 even the Structural wing, will IMMEDIATELY act like they're just a light weight fuselage with fuel in it. So yeah that's why the plane was acting the way it did
@TheMouse I think I figured it out but I haven't tested the plane yet so I'm going to do that right now
If you are still having trouble, feel free to contact me on an unlisted, and I can test it.
@Majakalona XD Its already connected lol
reconnect the damn flight computer
@TheMouse Got it so that's why I failed XD anyways I'll send ya vid tomorrow also WHOS YOUR MOMMY??? Lol
I gotta go now, sorry, but if you need more help tomorrow, I will come back.
(Also, remember to do the liftScale to every single wing, except the Vertical stabilizers. They use the thing where it shows com and col, to make sure you did every wing, and did not miss any.
@TheMouse Hmmm alright I'll do that
Those wings do look a bit slow for low speed. Why don’t you add a column in the “wing” settings panel of overload that is named liftScale and set it to 2 or 3? That will make it have more lift, without making you change the wings design and shape. Try it, and tell me how it works.
Edit: I keep replying to your older comments. Just do this, and it should fix it.
@TheMouse So place three wings got it and you want me to test its stall point without stalling?
Don’t bother, it will depend on many more things, like weight. Just test it using wing 3 (so it won’t glitch) and go as slow as you can without stalling.
@TheMouse Your order
@TheMouse Just don't pls <:)
@TheMouse They are here let me get the measurement of the width
Why not lol?
Weird. Are the wings big enough to provide enough lift to the plane when it is at that slow of a speed?
@TheMouse There got the video but yeah the plane is basically falling like a rock when something explodes as you can see from the damage of the left fuselage (Also I had to restart it but luckily I had a stroke of luck by saving the prototype that was in the video)