This challenge is quite difficult, despite having fewer entries than my previous challenges. The entries are so competative and I saw the masterful builds - competing regrously. Two T-50 Golden Eagle trainers made by @LASSO and @Matuoka443 which are both wonderful builds and very nard to choose which will be the winner. I admire the build quality and idea of the @LASSO's T50 just a bit more than @Matuoka443. Again, @Matuoka443 got very nice afterburner effect. I give a point for the cockpit and better landing grar for @LASSO. Congraulation to both of you. Wonderful work.
Fairchild T46 by @Alternation has won the third place. Wonderful over all build quality and performance. The careful USAF livery is a nice touch.
@TheMouse T-38 is the most voted entry by everyone. I would upvote @TheMouse for the popular vote.
Thank you all for joining the great challenge!
T-50A-Golden-Eagle by @LASSO
T-50-Goalden-Eagle by @Matuoka443
Fairchild-T-46-Eaglet by Alternation
Northrop-T-38-Talon by @TheMouse
L-29-Delfin by @Shebke
McDonnell-Douglas-T-45-Goshawk by @Yeap2006
@WinsWings alr
@STEAMYcrosby Thanks for joining the challenge. Concerning everyone's effort to build, and join this challenge, I wasn't able to show the details of who is at which spot after the top 10 planes.
@WinsWings what spot am I in?
@TheMouse Thank you so much for joining -
Congratulations to all the winners and participants! Nice!
Congratulations to all participants and the winners!
Congratulation! @TheMouse for the most upvoted plane. Congrats to @LASSO for the most spotlighted plane. You deserve it
Congratulation! @LASSO @Matuoka443 and @Alternation
I will be posting the upvotes and spots this week