This formula gives u a number which is approximitely the angle rate of the right time to release the boom25 to hit the target when the number is matched to the rate of TargetElevation.(ARBS System)
if u dont know arbs this its kinda a tricky ccrp by caculating and matching some angle rate(used on A-4M and AV-8B)
yep i figure this stuff out by testing hundreds of time lol
Angle/Rate Bombing CCRP System caculation for vanilla Boom25 under 400Kts
2,204 Super737
9 months ago
@llDeadboyll its free to use and use it on whatever u want
Hadda tell u tho its not very accurate
@Super737 This is neat! If you don't mind, I'd like to use that on a build that I'm probably gonna upload.
@Super737 oh
@StockPlanesRemastered u mean y when x=0? Im chinese so i dont know these math concept's name in english
@Super737 wheni was in 9th grade I was doing point slope form! You best know slope intercept form!
@StockPlanesRemastered im grade 9 though so i dont know how to use those advanced math stuff
@StockPlanesRemastered i mean the whole thing is based on massive amount of testing and liner functions
So y=mx+b? You mean slope intercept form at 45 degrees?
@OrangeConnor2 im kinda bad at english so sorry for that XD
Say that again but slower for the layman.