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[PEAverse] A Juggernaut Returns

71.2k TheUltimatePlaneLover  8 months ago


Specifically the Sabrehog Crisis...

OK so, we have been getting better at countering the Sabrehogs. Our MiG-P-51s, Sabrehog Hunters, and P-39s have proven effective against the F-86Hs, as well as shocking success from the F-16C and Gloster Meteor. Yet it's still not enough, with numerous aircraft losses every day from both sides. So far, the only PEAs to never be shot down by the F-86H (other than fellow Sabres) are the B-29, P-39, Meteor, MiG-P-51 V2, and A6M, but of course the Zero has taken no losses to the Sabres because they try to avoid fighting them, meanwhile the F-86Hs try to avoid fighting the B-29, despite claiming several kills on Tu-4s.

Yet in the midst of chaos and danger, an old friend has returned to help us.

Vector, a veteran from the Monarchii War, has finally returned to fight against the Sabrehogs, and is technically a PEA (only breaking the rules of >7 wing parts and non-replica), so he chose to help us. Did he regret it?

I'd be surprised if he says "no." Vector initially picked off Sabrehogs one-by-one, easily defeating a few of them in duels. However, after a while, the F-86Hs got fed up, and sent an all-directional attack of 15 F-86Hs to tackle Vector. This was much more challenging, to the point where his left aileron was cleaved off in combat. But as it would turn out, Vector must've gotten some tips from Solo Wing Pixy during his break. Even with half of his left wing destroyed, Vector continued the fight, and managed to defeat all fifteen F-86Hs. Almost needless to say, the sky was free of Sabrehogs for the rest of the day.

Above shows Vector almost immediately after landing, aileron destroyed and a light damaged, but alive nonetheless
In doing this, Vector not only proved he was still just as relevant and deadly as he was in the Monarchii War, but he also broke a record for most Sabres versus one plane. Although many larger Sabre Swarms have been encountered, all of them larger than 12 Sabrehogs were met with at least 3 Sabre-counter PEAs. But Vector tackled 15 Sabrehogs by himself. He would eventually get his aileron replaced, as well as earn some slashes on his nose representing the 15 Sabrehogs he struck down. However, his 1v15 win against the Sabres was so significant, that it overshadowed the 6 F-86Hs and 2 F-100Ds he shot down in 1v1s prior, resulting in his nose only bearing 15 battle strikes instead of 23. Guess we'll have to fix that later.

Close-up of Vector's nose, notice, as we said, he only has 15 stripes as opposed to 23