Like the Ariane 5?
Or the SLS (Space Launch System)?
Will it be possible if someone could make any of these rockets in a PEA way? Then what's the rename for PEA rockets?
Like the Ariane 5?
Or the SLS (Space Launch System)?
Will it be possible if someone could make any of these rockets in a PEA way? Then what's the rename for PEA rockets?
@A380lover800 it's PEA, f word realism
@ManWithAMusket but what about staging? Like... you know separation of an rocket stage
@A380lover800 I'll give you some advice, stack some fuselage together, then put a big ahh and powerful engine under it
@Majakalona me noob at building rockets 💀
i unblocked you so I could comment here, it's been a few months anyways
Eh, put it on Juno new origins
Space Requires Modding as there no end of Atmosphere in the main game, which is inadequate for Mobile OS, and Rockets Require alot of parts.
No one makes rockets for a reason there’s no space
@ManWithAMusket 💀
@A380lover800 there's no space in this game, no need for rocket
@ManWithAMusket for real bruh
why, just, why