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283 PX41SERUM01  8 months ago

How do I make my engine gauges go back to zero slower when an engine is on fire, meaning it is not working.

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    You could try putting a smooth() operator on the input, though you won't want it to be too much or else it'll affect regular operational readings as well.
    For instance, if the engine RPM was outputting to the variable EngRPM, one possible smooth() function could look like smooth(EngRPM, 0.1). The number following the parameter to be controlled is essentially how much you want the parameter to be allowed to change per second (so 0.1 will make it take 10 seconds to go from 1 to 0, 0.5 will make it take 2 seconds, etc.).

    Pinned 8 months ago
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    @PX41SERUM01 To do that, you'll need to have each engine have its own output, which is then read by that engine's gauge. Select the engine part, open the Rotate Part menu, and hit the button that has an (x) in it, and you'll see the part's possible outputs. Set one of those to a custom variable by entering text in the Variable Name section, and then set the input of the gauge to that same variable. You may need to adjust the settings on the gauge (or divide the input by something) to get the right range of motion.

    +1 8 months ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 but the engine 2 will stay at max cause it is fine and has no damage

    8 months ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 so I get that, that is to make it slow, but how about to make the gauge detect a specific engine if it is not working. Example, engine 1 isn't working, then the guage for number 1 will go down slowly cause it is loosing power.

    8 months ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 a very helpful comment, thank you.

    8 months ago