Just did some quick maffs.
According to TheMouse, it has been 2 minutes since we met. That is, of course, not the case.
To an outside observer!
I am going with the assumption that some relativistic screwery is occurring, so I did the aforementioned maffematics.
Saying, for the sake of ease, I've known Mouse for 6 months (probably less, but I digress), a 20 gram mouse experiencing only 2 minutes over that time frame would be travelling at such a speed as to possess a kinetic energy just shy of 900 terajoules of kinetic energy, or almost 215 kilotons of TNT (assuming 1000 calories per kilogram of TNT, which I've heard is something of a round cow in a vacuum).
For your own safety, stay away from TheMouse.
Also in the numbers I used they'd be travelling about 8.5mm/s shy of the speed of light.
To make it longer. Why not?
@TheMouse I know, but why?
It’s more of the clickable chain thing. Just ignore it.
@TheMouse What?
@DatFiat126Fan19 yea
@Graingy fr, kominfo can suck my tailpipe and suffocate on my exhaust fumes
Is there a problem?
@Majakalona Because imgbb is blocked in Indonesia
@Graingy why gifyu
@Majakalona Fixed your pfp lol
@Aano78 it's an application
It's like Google for mobile devices
@Majakalona I mean I use screenshots I take myself, not from the Internet
@Aano78 do you use Samsung internet?
Hold down on an image, view image, then copy the link
@Majakalona I use mobile, and I usually upload screenshots, which do not have an image address.
@Aano78 right clock and copy image adress
with mobile i cannot really tell you that much... i have no idea between lots of diffrent things
@Majakalona But how do you convert the image into a url?
@TheMouse Hit Grain.
Like that
@Majakalona How do you get the image url?
@Aano78 why are you using gifyu
It works with any image!!! Even this!!!
try it for yourself!
@HuskyDynamics01 for now
@HuskyDynamics01 until it hit something.
Issue, however, is that… hmm… I wonder if…?
I was gonna say the blood at stuff would be limited to the remaining speed left until light, but now that I think about it I wonder if that’s how the whole time dilation thing fits in? It can only go 8.499…mm/s, but has all the time in the world so to speak because of how slow everything is moving relative to everything else at that speed.
@Ashdenpaw1 Take your photo and get it into an image url using a website (I use Gifyu), and in your bio description, type “”. When you save the change and exit the description editor, the image should show up.