[Official Communiqué from the Avian Aeronautics Division]
To: Esteemed Private Contractors and Engineers of Avia
Subject: Urgent Request for Expertise on Craft Landing Gear Failure
Honored Citizens of Avia,
During a recent test of our new 5th generation aircraft, an unexpected left yaw during takeoff led to a landing gear failure. Despite our efforts, the cause remains unknown.
We urgently seek your expertise to diagnose and resolve this issue. Successful completion will be rewarded with 10,000 credits [10 upvotes], symbolizing our deep gratitude.
Your contribution is vital for the safety of our pilots and the advancement of Avia.
Through Unity, We Soar! For Democracy and Liberty!
For the Glory of Avia,
Director of Avia Aeronautics Division
Funky trees, technical work, mechanics, or anything can be used to fix the issue! As long as it gets fixed.