Personally for me, one time I was flying an F-16 with some B-29s (don't ask), now they were all in swarm mode so no one was attacking anyone, but one of the B-29s just comes out of nowhere and hits me with the elevator, and I kid you not the B-29's left elevator cut straight through my F-16. It was so subtle, accidental, but hilariously savage lol
Everyone talks about the SimpleAI being dumb, so let's talk about moments when it was smart or savage
67.1k TheUltimatePlaneLover
6 months ago
@Majakalona because i am
@DatFiat126Fan19 that might be because your on Android
Happened to me yesterday with a tanker
This can be considered either way as a smart or dumb thing but remember when AI was buggy and wouldn't spawn the entire plane in and had parts all over the place so missiles and guns were almost useless to defeat the AI
@FlirBlitz same thing happens to me, AI always out turning me ;-;
@TinyMaus oof lol
I have an aircraft that turns pretty well, but whenever its in the hands of the AI, it literally starts pulling 500G maneuvers, and there is nothing I can do about it. Whenever I fly it it doesn't do that, whenever the AI flies it I just never see it for longer than a second
I was VR dogfighting when the stock plane I was fighting decided to become a professional at missile evasion using advanced aerial manuevering
@TheUltimatePlaneLover eyyyyy :)
@SuperSuperTheSylph Precisely, B-29 = Sideswipe and F-16 = Sideways lol
@TheUltimatePlaneL just like that one scene in ROTF,but there are planes instead of the robots
@SuperSuperTheSylph close, but the said B-29 decided to cut right down the fuselage from engine-to-nose
@DatFiat126Fan19 man that's brutal lol
@windshifter1 Sounds about right lol
Katana wings :D(aka POV: the B-29 in question)
funny, something similiar happened to me but get this:
this one particular ai aircraft that i don't remember the name of not only kamikaze'd into my ass, but also seemed to have some kind of nuke/xml modded bombs inside of this particular ai aircraft that i don't remember saving, sp completely froze for like 12 minutes before it decided to hard-crash lmfao
@TheUltimatePlaneLover Every single SimpleAI I spawn, without fail, attempts to kamikaze dive bomb me. Maybe not smart, but is that savage enough?
@Majakalona Fair enough lol
@TheUltimatePlaneLover it crashes into me
@Omoriboy Man now that's legitimately savage
I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry so I'll do both, lowhl
@Majakalona Indeed it is
Is simpleAI the AI planes that fly around?
I remember one time i was flying MAPA's T-6 Texan and spawn another one, after takeoff the AI T-6 starts mimicking my moves and many minutes later the AI had enough and then it rammed at me, destroying my T-6 lol
Try guyFolk X02 Wyvern ai.... You going lose by that