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Unity functions and variables in sp2 funky trees?

3,830 Quercon  3 months ago

I was wondering, if there is a possibility of enhancing current funky trees system with some more functions and variables that werent previously there.
The most important of all are variables accesible via transform object in unity, that could provide us with info about xyz velocities relative to the airplanes coordinate system, which currently are very painful to get using the normal funky trees.
Also this connects to the first issue, but we lack easy vector-transforming functions, such as vector rotation, and projection. Doing it is necessary for things like helicopter hovering autopilot, but again its a very painful and slow process to make it with normal funky trees.
Last but not least, when multiplayer in sp2 is added I think we need to have a way to radar lock aircraft that are flying without the flight computer on board, as normaly they would become invisible. Hence I ask for raycast function to be made avaliable for sp2 funky trees, as it would make it possible to make not only radars that work in a more realistic fashion, mitigating the mentioned issue, but also open a lot of possibilities regarding rangefinding, terrain warning systems, and ballistic computers.

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    3,830 Quercon

    @Alternation Kind of yes. Raycasting is a broader programming term. It is basicaly a process of shooting an imaginary ray, and checking if it hits some object along the way. It may be used to determine line of sight, as you said, but for example in fps games like CSGO they are used to detect if you shot someone (they basicaly are the bullets).

    +1 3 months ago
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    16.7k dekanii

    @ToeTips Oh i see, by what you say, its actually a ray used to determine line of sight

    3 months ago
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    @henrykang The ability to cast a ray also makes stealth a real possibility. <a href="">candy clicker</a>

    +1 3 months ago
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    26.5k ToeTips

    The raycast function also opens up the possibility of stealth.

    +1 3 months ago