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Simple Guide to ACOGF Faction

1,395 ACOGF  8 months ago

Republica of Envian

Republica of Envian, morely known as Envian, is a large country located in South east of the island of Malke. The country itself was founded in VC 1223. The country itself consist of a powerful military
With its Air Force and Navy being the strongest in the island of Malke.
*237 Destroyer
*12 Carrier
*160 Cruiser
*9 Battleship

-Air Force
*2.433~ Fighter
*1.270~ Attacker
*977 Bomber
*700~ Others

-Ground Force
*2.300~ Main Battle Tank
*968.000~ Active Personnel (as of VC 2230)
*3.000~ Armored Vehicle (IFV, APC, ARTILLERY)
*35 Mobile Headquarters
*890 Radar Vehicle
*823 ICBM Carrier


A. F. O. M, Shorts for Alliance Federation Of Malke, is an faction consisting of Multiple country aligned into one. these country aligned into one as a protest to Republica of Envian decision to split the nation aparts. They are the former state of Envian.
Their Military consist of; Army, Air Force and Navy

*102 Destroyer
*2 Carrier
*8 Cruiser
*1 Auxiliary Cruiser

-Air Force
*796 Fighter
*70 Attacker
*23 Bombers

-Ground Force
*723 MBT
*450.002 Active Personnel (as of VC 2230)
*200 Armored Vehicle

(Will be further updated)