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Auto-Lead/Tracking Turret Wizardry

362 Ezucra  3 months ago

Does anyone have documentation/explanation of the magic that goes behind autotracking turrets? Or can I just "reverse engineer"™ from already existing turrets?

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    362 Ezucra

    @Alternation fair enough

    3 months ago
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    16.0k dekanii

    @Ezucra because RCCM has the FT, not you
    So like if i ask you, you would know nothing about it

    3 months ago
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    362 Ezucra

    @Alternation you didn't ask me, but I believe code one is for vertical since it's checking for Target Elevation, while code 2 is checking for Target heading or horizontal

    3 months ago
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    16.0k dekanii

    @RCCM15 What does (1) code for, horizontal or vertical?

    3 months ago
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    362 Ezucra

    @RCCM15 I guess different creators have different ways of implementing this stuff, guess we'll just have to.... "Reverse engineer"™ the code...

    3 months ago
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    990 RCCM15

    Idk but i have these funky trees

    (1) clamp(((TargetElevation - PitchAngle) + (sin(abs(RollAngle)-90)atan(1.1/TargetDistance)) + (rate(TargetElevation) * (TargetDistance /(1000 + GS/8 ) )))/45,-1,1)clamp01(abs(TargetElevation - PitchAngle) <= 45)*clamp01(abs(TargetHeading - ((sign(Heading) < 0)?(360+Heading):Heading)) <= 45)

    (2) clamp(((TargetHeading - ((sign(Heading) < 0)?(360+Heading):Heading)) + (sign(RollAngle)cos(abs(RollAngle)-90)atan(1.1/TargetDistance)) + (rate(TargetHeading) * (TargetDistance /(1000 + GS/8 ) )))/45,-1,1)clamp01(abs(TargetElevation - PitchAngle) <= 45)clamp01(abs(TargetHeading - ((sign(Heading) < 0)?(360+Heading):Heading)) <= 45)

    This is were i got the funky trees from, just click here

    3 months ago