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[ Etc. ] Found out about something the other day

61.9k ZeroWithSlashedO  9 months ago

Just making a forum post about an interesting things in AI dogfighting behaviour

Apparently, when you dogfight an AI, and you give them missiles, they will go in a one circle with you 100% of the time, until they run out of them, which they will then take a weird approach to 2 circling by pitching down at the merge

Also did you know that if you kinematically dodge a missile from an enemy air target, they won't launch a follow up missiles, even if said missile has already been trashed from running out of fuel?

I've found these out from trying to dogfight a MiG-29A in my F-15C.

*Bonus teaser post, if you can consider it one.

So if you can somehow trick an AI into launching a missile that will never hit, and ensuring yourself that the missile will run out of fuel before it can hit you, you'll actually have a really competitive AI that you can dogfight. Learn something new everyday.

Just be sure to not flare when it goes away, or have it not take a plunge towards the water otherwise the AI will take another shot