The cult is dedicated to this thing.
No, I don't have a problem, YOU have a problem! >>>:(
Starting a Cult. Anyone wanna join?
1,088 ComradeSandman
7 months ago
The cult is dedicated to this thing.
No, I don't have a problem, YOU have a problem! >>>:(
@DatFiat126Fan19 F
@ComradeSandman damn, i don't have that kindd of money
@DatFiat126Fan19 Sure, entry fee is... gimme a second...
Possibly around over 6.1 million Indonesian Rupiah(s?), though that also depends on how markets are there.
Do you have an internet connection around 5-20mbs and electricity?
@seletera20 BRRRRTTT!
... Well, it's not a terrible opinion...
@ComradeSandman yo comrade, can i join your cult?
@LunarEclipseSP I think so lul.
Machine Gun cult???
@OrangeConnor2 Yeah, why are you?
It's an awesome gun!
Why am I even surprised.
@V Curses!
Sorry, can't join. am already a high ranking member of the cult of andrewism
@Rb2h I am Grain Guy.
Graingy is a company account, but here I can post whatever I want!
@ComradeSandman ur grainy
Graingy's alt
@TheMouse @Majakalona Just informing you two that this account now has a pfp.
Should be easy enough to work out who it was anyways, though lol
@TheMouse Good news: This thing is a rotary cannon. A more badass machine gun.
Then I cannot join. I must have my machine guns.
@TheMouse Just be sure to worship the Hydra equally.
Using any other weapon is blasphemy.
Our lord and savior is Andrew. Assuming I am still allowed to preform my ritual human sacrifices to him, I can join.
@Nerfaddict Our lord and saviour.
I'm 95% sure it has an engine in it.
@TheMouse any interest in air pressure rotary cannons firing rainbow goo?
Tf is that thing?